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Jugheads POV

I was waiting for Betty to get out of her last class so we could walk to her house.

I was on my phone texting her until a new recruit of the Serpents came up and kissed me.

I pulled away as soon as she touched me because she smelt like coffee instead of my sweet vanilla.

I pushed her away and scolded her for kissing me and confescated her jacket.

When I looked up I saw Betty looking at me with no emotion on her face and her eyes a dull color.

"Betts I didn't kiss her she kissed me" I said to her as she walked away motioning for me to follow her.

We walked to her house in an uncomfortable silence.

Once we reached her house we went inside and thank God her mom and sister weren't home.

She sat down on the couch and she motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Betts baby I swear to you that I didn't kiss her she came up and kissed me please you have to believe me." I said on the verge of tears.

She sighed and her face turned from no emotion to happiness.

"I believe you Juggie I just I'm a jealous bitch" she said laughing.

I looked at her furiously and pulled her into me causing her to gasp at the sudden action.

"Elizabeth Cooper you are not a bitch anr I never ever want you saying that ever ok?" I asked her squeezing her tightly until she agreed.

"Alright Forsythe I swear I will never ever say that again." She replied giggling.

"Now you've done it" I replied smirking while I pushed her onto the couch so I was hovering over her.

"Forsythe Pendelton Jones the third whatever could you mean by that?" She replied laughing expecting a kiss.

I smirked and started to run my hand down her side to her stomach.

Then I started tickling her.

"Betty who am I?" I asked smirking.

She laughed and gasped for breath while saying " you are Forsythe Pendelton Jones the third"

"Wrong answer babygirl" I said continuing to tickle her.

"Ok ok you're Juggie Jones MY Juggie Jones." She said as I stopped tickling her to kiss her.

We stayed that way until we decided to get up and watch a movie.

I grabbed some soda while she popped some popcorn. I went up behind her and grabbed her waist and rested my head on hers.

"I love you" she said turning around in my embrace. "And I love you" I replied leaning two. To give her a kiss.

Once the popcorn was all made we set to work making a pillow fort.

We draped blankets over chairs and put a dozen or so pillows on the ground.

We fell asleep in each others arms like the picture below.

In thw morning Mrs Cooper had come home to find my motorcycle in her driveway

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In thw morning Mrs Cooper had come home to find my motorcycle in her driveway.

She walked in furious until she saw her daughter in sweat pants and my hoodie and me in sweat pants and my usual s t shirt.

She smiled and took a picture of us sending them to my dad with the caption
Look at out babies all grown up.

Bughead One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now