Serpent Girls. 💚🐍

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The Serpents Consisted of many men,  but it was the women that surprised people the most

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The Serpents Consisted of many men,  but it was the women that surprised people the most.  The top four Serpent girls were Toni,  Cheryl,  Betty, and Veronica.  (Pictured above) 
Betty was in a relationship with the king,  Jughead Jones.  She was the Queen of the Serpents. Toni, born into it.  Cheryl,  Betty's cousin,  got into a relationship with Toni  and joined.  Not long after,  Veronica made it official,  every one of her friends we're joining up.  This is a story of a Serpent mission done by the girls:

Betty on phone with Cheryl:
"Bombshell,  you here?  We gotta get a move on if we are going to make it back to Sunnyside any time soon. "

Cheryl on phone: "Cousin,  I know.  Toni and I are here already. It's you that needs to hurry up,  woman. "
With that said,  Betty rolls her eyes,  sighs,  and let's Cheryl go.  They were going to raid The Lodge Lodge to get evidence against Hiram Lodge and the Sisters,  as to prove he is dealing drugs,  and his mob ties.  Veronica was emotionally attached to the mission,  but she couldn't help herself. She needed to see this through. 

Betty and Veronica enter Lodge Lodge.  Cheryl and Toni are in the get away car,  hidden in a specific place to not get caught by Hiram's gargoyle gang or the "Man in Black",  himself. 
As the girls enter..  Veronica chuckles quietly to herself. But Betty heard her. 
" What's so funny,  V? " Betty asks. "Nothing,  B.  It's just hard being back here after the last time.  I just can't believe I ever trusted my father. " Veronica chokes up at the thought of the last time they were in this cabin,  how they all got into it,  almost died,  and how in the end her father framed her boyfriend of murder. 

They were now trying to locate the keys to the basement.  Veronica pulls out a bejeweled egg from the cabinet in the entry,  and opens it to find exactly what she was looking for.  She calls over to Betty.  "Okay girl.  We gotta hurry up.  I am not risking another gang war for this! " She exclaims as she is unlocking the basement door and sneaking down.  Betty behind her ready with her camera.
As the two girls make it down.  They notice that there is security cameras.  "Shit" They both mutter out.  But Betty being Betty,  noticed that there was a set of smoke bombs from what must of been a Lodge fourth of July celebration in a closet upstairs. She taps V's shoulder and they both go back up and as Veronica goes to question what her bff is doing,  Betty pulls out the smoke bombs.  She then sees a lighter by the old fireplace,  she swipes it up and starts lighting smoke bombs.  Veronica remembers that her mother has some old "Aqua Net" In the bathroom and once she has that in hand she takes lead and starts spraying the cameras aa best as she can as to block the video from becoming clear. Betty is taking pictures of the Jingle Jangle lab, and Hiram black book, and whatever else she felt necessary. They notice that the smoke bombs are coming to an end. They skurry up the stairs and run out the house as quick as they could.
Once in the get away car, Cheryl and Toni simultaneously yell, "what took you two so long?" B and V just look at each other, out of breath,  and laugh at the couple helping them escape. 

This won't be the only Serpent Girl mission these four go on,  and they don't seem to mind that.  🐍💚

Author Note:
Should I make some more one shots of the serpent girls?  🐍💚 let me know.  ❤💚

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