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Jellybean Jones was the babygirl to the Jones family

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Jellybean Jones was the babygirl to the Jones family.  Her older brother had not seen her in forever and he always pictured the dark haired little five year old tot from the only photo of the two that he owned.  Her hair in pigtails nothing about her screamed pre teen,  it wasn't until he saw her again after so long that he realized that time hadn't stopped her growing and she now had become a moody almost teenage girl.. 
Her hair had lightened from the sun in Toledo,  and her eyes still sparkled the blue gray mix like his did but she was taller of course her hair no longer adorned in pigtails but she rocked a bandana and suddenly she reminded him of the blonde he left at home. She was under a car, wrenching on it.  When he called out to her,  she knew it was her older brother..  When she looked up she was amazed at a few things..  He wasn't the scruany boy she fondly remembered but he still had the same beanie from childhood on his black hair,  which hasn't changed much and his freckles were still scattered around his eyes which were the same color as hers.  Once she let him through the gate to their junk yard,  she basically plowed him over to give him a very large hug.  He was prepared though and she was happy he could hold her weight .. 

"What the hell,  Jel.  You grew up on me! " He exclaimed as he let her down.  "Yeah so did you, Jug.  It's called growing up. " They shared a laugh..  He could tell that she was raised like he was,  and her sense of humor was no better than his.  No matter how many times she looked at him,  she could still see the pain and worry painted across his face,  of course a large smile because they have finally be reunited was masking his troubles.  She finally couldn't bite her tounge anymore.  "Jug  what the hell happened to you? " He laughed at her use of curse, it was common pratice in the Jones household and when you didn't you were deemed ill. "Uh JB,  that is a loong story. "..  " Well I got time. " She said finishing on the car she was working on..

After a good hour long conversation with his little sister,  she said,  "so wait let me get this straight,  you are dating Betty Cooper?  You also found the Jason Blossom killer,  the black hood  and got your ass kicked by a bunch of ghoulies and had your tattoo sliced off by that fuckin bitch,  Penny?"
Jughead was thrown back,  she knew Penny?  She must've to have said it that way..  "Do you know Penny?" He asked his baby sis.  "Yeah. Sadly I have had to slingshot her out of here a few times.  She was bugging momma" She paused then continued,  "wait that is all you got out of my response?" She laughed at her brother ..  "Well yeah,  the way you said it indicated you had something against her other than what I had just told you.. " He said back.  "Well yeah,  she thinks she is a bad ass.  She isn't in fact a bad ass,  she is just a pain in the ass. " He snorted at his sisters comment.  He knew this pain all to well.  There was an awkward silence until Jellybean broke it "I'm sorry,  Jug. I wish I could have been there.. " "No don't be sorry  nothing you could have done about it.  I went in alone because I made that deal remember... " She shook her head to him and then changed the subject,  "so tell me more about Betty! I remember her older sister babysitting me but not much about her. "..  He suddenly lit up at the interest his sister showed in Betty.  " Well I don't know really where to start. She hasn't changed much appearance wise.  All Coopers are blondes with green eyes.  But she really is special.  She has a lot of the same interest as me,  she just gets me,  JB.  She makes me happy. " He finishes his little explanation with a smile.  "So she isn't close with her dad? "..  He knew he should answer her since JB couldn't ask her for a while.  " Yeah,  they were close for a long while working on cars together but when she found out he was the black hood she cut all ties to him,  she really seems to hate him now. "... Jughead explains.  " Oh.  I'm sorry to hear that  but I get it,  it's not like I'm a daddy's girl either. "..  Jughead shakes his head slightly in understanding but then says " Yeah,  but dad is changing,  he only helped clean up a murder,  like a stupid asshat,  I might add,  but he has never once killed for the hell of it like Hal did.  They really aren't the same,  JB. " Jughead concluded.  Jellybean was not convinced just yet.  It would take time but maybe she would be able to be the daughter to FP.  But not right now.  Right now all she worried about was being the little annoying sister to her older annoying brother.  "Show me the scar Penny gave you!? " She asked.  "Yeah." He starts to take off his Sherpa lined jean jacket then JB said,  "hold on,  Ma will want to see this. "..  She calls out for her mother,  " Ma! " "Yes JB. " Gladys shouts back,  she walks into the room where they had ended up for their chat and she stops in surprise at her eldest child and only son standing in front of her.  "Jughead is here and he was just about to show me something you wanna see? " JB asks her mother.  "Continue,  yes,  but after I get a hug from my boy. " Jughead embraces his mother and says "hi ma. " into her hair since at this point he towered over her.  After a few minutes she releases her son and gives a look that reads "show me. " He continues taking off the jacket and rolling up the sleeve to his "S" t-shirt.  Gladys and JB gasped in utter surprise and disgust. "I-I'm so sorry,  baby. " Gladys chokes out. "I should have been there. I'm sorry I am just terrible. " At this point she is running her hand over this scar and Jughead can't feel anything,  the nerve endings were gone..  His sisters expression read like she could kill Penny.  But all the Jones could.  "It's okay,  Ma.  I get it.  I forgive you. " He says to his distraught mother.  They group hug,  when Gladys says,  "I'm glad to have you both here now... " "I'm only visiting ma.  I got a girl at home" He chuckles at his mom's surprise face since that was a better surprise face..  "Who?  Who has my boys heart? "..  JB chimes in, " Betty Cooper!  Jughead and Betty sitting in a tree,  K-I-S-S-I-N-G" "Okay enough JB. " Their mother retorts.  Jughead is just happy to have the other two woman that are important to him,  standing in front of him right now.  He couldn't keep from smiling. 

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