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Today Jughead and Betty were tasked with setting up the Easter egg hunt for Juniper and Dagwood in the Cooper backyard. 

"Betts!  Betts!" Jughead calls to get his girlfriends attention,  "come on,  I'm already thinking of some perfect hiding places to hide these eggs! "

She cheerifly nodds her head and follows him into the yard.  They plant the eggs in various spots: under the bleeding hearts her mother planted when they first moved into the home,  under the swing set that sat rusted from years of use,  by the old garage that Hal once worked so hard in,  and in the one spot that Jughead was excited about,  the little birdhouses that they painted and hung over the brances of the old oak tree that found roots in the yard.  "They will never think to look there!" He exclaims. 

"Okay Juni and Dag,  go looking.  Your auntie B and uncle Jug hid 'em. " Polly encouraged. 

They all snapped photos and cheered when the twin toddlers found eggs. 

Now,  Cheryl was joining them to actually die eggs,  an Easter tradition that Jason and her used to preform. 

"The best auntie in the world has arrived! " The redhead sang as she waltzed into the household,  armed with dying kits and the necessary materials to also die eggs with shaving cream.

"Oh my gosh! Dag why did you put shaving cream in my face! " Betty sternly says while everyone else cracked up with laughter. 
"Hold still Betts I'm taking a picture of this moment!" Jughead says threw his fit of laughter holding up the camera around his neck to capture Betty and her nephew in a shaving cream disaster. 

"Cheryl,  I swear to God if you bring shaving cream next year I'll personally kick you out. " Betty says to the cherry bomb cousin of hers as she leads her to door at the end of the Easter celebration. 
"Oh,  don't worry,  Betty.  I will. " She states with a wink before kissing her niece and nephew goodbye and marching out of the door. 

I know it's short but it's Easter  so enjoy picturing this little Riverdale Easter celebration.  😂😂


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