Hot Dog.

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***Flashback to the afternoon that Jug got HotDog.  Juggie,  Archie,  and Betty are all four. ***

It was a beautiful spring morning as the kids of Riverdale PreSchool/Elementary were playing on their playground equipment during their first recess of the day.  As Archie was pushing Betty on the swings,  Juggie wanted to share some exciting news with them,  so he got off of the merry-go-round he was playing on with Kevin,  and walked over. 

"Hi Arch,  Hi Betts!" Jughead exclaims with excitement.  Archie and Betty knew something was up because Jughead was being overly happy.  They listen contently as Jug continues speaking,  "my dad says there will be a surprise for me when I get home! I can't wait to see what it is!" The smile couldn't be wiped from his face,  his mind filled with wonder of what the surprise could be.  Betty decides to speak up,  "that is great,  Juggie.  You'll have to call me later to tell me what it is? "..  Archie speaks up now " Ditto,  please. "
They all smile and return to their recess activities.  They spent the end of recess playing hide and go seek.  If there is a game Juggie liked playing it was hide and go seek,  he was the champ.  Even up against the "atletic" types like Archie and Kevin and the brainy girl he calls his best friend,  Betty.  Jughead told himself nothing could top this day! 

As he walks into his trailer he hears a faint whimpering come from his father's bedroom. "Daddy,  what is that?  Is that the surprise? " Jughead questions.  FP chuckles at his son,  who is to smart for his own good,  and decides to reply with,  "yes,  boy.  I can't hide anything from you,  can I? ..  I'll go get it and you can have your surprise now.. " His father walks away with a smirk and a small laugh and Jughead hears the door creek open and then a few moments later,  Jughead is now on the kitchen floor under a white,  fluffy and incredibly stocky puppy that knocked him over on accident coming out of the room with excitement.  While this puppy is licking his face,  all Jug can do is laugh until he can not anymore. His dad helps get him out from under the new friend,  and says,  "whatcha gonna name him?.. It's up to you. " By this time his stomach was growling and the first thing that came to his mind was burgers,  but he didn't think burgers fit as the name for the pup.  So.. After a moment of thought,  "hot dog. "...  FP just shakes his head and laughs.  " That Jones stomach got the best of you,  boy.  Hot dog?  Are you sure? "

All Jughead can do is nodd his head yes in response,  and then after the comotion has died down he perks up and says,  "dad can I call Archie about our new family member? "..  He dad just says,  " Mhmm,  you know where the phone is. " Jughead gets up from his spot on the couch,  and picks up the phone.  He calls Betty's house first. ..  It rings for a moment until Alice picks up the other end.  "FP? ".. " No Mrs. Copper,  it's Jughead.  I was wondering if I could talk to Betty..  Please? " Alice wasn't going to be mean to a child,  so she put Betty on the phone..  "Hello." She squeaks.  "Hey  it's Juggie,  guess what? " "What? " She asks back with a giggle.  "My dad got me a puppy!" "Really?  I'm jealous my mom and dad won't let  me have any animals. But that's good,  I'm happy for you.  I want to meet the pup sometime. ..  What did you name it? " "His name is hot dog! " Betty can't help but laugh at Juggie and his endless hunger.  she says goodbye and that she will see him tomorrow at school.  He calls Archie next,  "hey bud. What's up? " Is how Archie got on the phone.  "Hi Arch,  you'll never believe this!" "What? " Archie asks impatiently ..  "My dad got me a dog! " "I'm happy for you man!  We can take Vegas and your dog on walks together now. Cool idea right? " "I actually didn't think of that until now!  Great idea! " "What did you name it? " "Hot dog" The boys share a laugh over the dogs names,  and decide that their dads,  dogs,  and them can go on a walk this weekend when their dads have the time from work. 

Jughead crawls into bed excited to have something to protect him and his family,  something to have that has nothing  but unconditional love for him.  Hot dog scratches at his door.  Jughead gets up and opens his door,  and lets his new pup into his room,  where they get on Jughead's bed,  and drift off to sleep,  curled up together,  a boy and his dog.  🐶💕❤

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