First time for everything.

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Jughead and Betty have been dating for a while now.  But they had never done anything to serious ..  That's when a lightbulb went off for Jughead and this is how it played out:
I saw Betty at her locker.  I took a deep breath,  and went up to her and asked "hey,  you doing anything this Friday? "  She responded with,  "hi Juggie,  no I am not.  Anything in mind? "..  I smiled,  and said " Yes actually.  Come back to my house after school that afternoon?"  She finished getting her stuff for her next class and said, "sure. I would love to. " She kissed my cheek,  and gracefully walked to class. 

***Friday afternoon***
As usual,  I gave Betty my helmet,  and we drove to my tin can for a house.  I loved how she never seemed to mind it.  I knew I loved this girl to death.  Once we got there,  I led her in,  offering her something to drink.  We sat down and talked for a little while.  Some radio station playing as background noise.  I decided instead of doing what we always do,  I would do something a little more adventurous..  I pulled her off of the couch and led her to the little shed outside.  She stood puzzled until she saw what I was doing.  I ripped off the cover of my dirt bike. She asked,  "what is this Jug? "..  " A dirt bike? Gotta start somewhere,  Betty.  My dad just wasn't going to let me get on a motorcycle without some experience first. " I said laughing.  "We going for a ride? " She inquired.  "Yup. We are.  Hop on. " It might of been dangerous,  with no helmets on the dirt bike ride.  I took her to the forest that outlines the park since that is the only place I can ride.  After a few hours,  I noticed Betty had her hands up,  with this large smile on her face. The sun coming down hitting her face just right.  I went back to the trailer park and I was okay when I noticed my dad still not home.  At least it gives me more time with Betty.  Once we were back inside,  she went in the room and landed on the bed,  looking up at the cieling.  You could tell she was content.  But I had an idea,  I actually had a plan,  and I have had this plan all week.  I just had to make sure she was okay with it first.  So I suggested,  "hey betts,  you having fun? "...  She looked over at me instead of the cieling and said,  " Of course. What makes you ask? ".. I decided that I couldn't hold my idea in much longer and said,  " Well I have an idea but it's totally up to you...  But it would make this night the most perfect one to date. " She chuckles and says "oh really?  How so? " "How about we play strip poker? "

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