first time for everything pt2

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"How about we play strip poker? " Jughead asked me.  I was truly floored.  I guess that would be one way to get past our social awkwardness when it comes to anything well..  Sexual.  I was slightly hesitant.  I could tell he could see my nervousness surfacing.  "Hey,  we don't have to just thought it would be fun? "..  It was quiet until I said,  " Well yeah I agree.  I am just NOT good at poker. We also haven't gone very far,  you know..  So I know that I'll be the first undressed. " I just kept contemplating the situation at hand in my mind until I said,  "you know what,  fuck it.  Let's do this... " Jughead looked genuinely shocked,  excited and nervous all at once.  "Well awesome,  my dad said he is staying at the Wyrm tonight"..  " What about your parents? " Jug was concerned about a lie so I didn't have to leave.  "I'll tell them I'm at Veronica's. " I sent a quick text to my mother
Me: I'll be staying at Veronica's tonight ..  If that's okay? 
She responded shortly after that text 
Mother🤷🏼‍♀: I guess so,  Elizabeth.  Just don't do anything I wouldn't.  😉😉
Me: 🤦🏼‍♀ no mother.  It's all good.  TTYL 
Mother🤷🏼‍♀: good night dear. 
Now to text V
Me: hey girl,  I need you to cover for me if my parents ask where I'm at.  I'm with you okay? 
V❤💋: you know I'm good for it.  😉😂 just use protection.  💋💋
Me: thanks V.  Talk soon.  ❤
And with that,  I had the night with jug.  We got in the bed,  under the covers.  While he got out his cards.  I hate that he grew up with the serpents  because he always played poker,  whereas,  I never played.  I'm screwed.  🤦🏼‍♀
The first round in,  and of course I lost.  So I started simple.  Good bye socks. 
Then,  and I don't know how I did it.  Jug lost and took his socks off too. 
I took a deep breath.. Then lost,  damn I thought to myself as I took off my jeans.  At least I was under a blanket.  I couldn't help but think he is so respectful,  for leaving the blanket alone while I striped off the jeans and didn't bother looking.  I was able to magically win again  and he took of his pants and I gave him the same respect of not looking and not moving the blanket.  At this point we were almost done with this game.  I lost and stripped down my shirt.  I took my pony out of my hair because it was starting to bother me.  When I did so  he went shirtless even though we didn't play another round.  Left only in my bra and underwear and jug in just boxers.  He threw the cards off of the bed and then crawled under the blanket to me.  His breath hitching as soon as he saw my face under him,  looking up into his deep blue eyes,  that radiated lust.  My breath did too.  This is the most we have seen of each other.  He was running his fingers down my right side slowly.  I couldn't take it anymore and I kissed him passionately.  He returned the kiss,  deepening it some more.  He ran his fingers across my bra strap,  and I knew what he wanted. I didn't say anything,  and I reached behind me,  and un-did the bra's clasp.  The bra gently fell,  I threw it to the pile of my clothing,  Jug started trailing kisses all down my body,  starting at my neck and going down until he reached my underwear line.  He looked up at me with the blanket surrounding his head,  his eyes piercing threw the darkness that has engulfed the small bedroom.  I shook my head,  and he pulled down my underwear.  He continued to kiss my legs staying in that general area,  I had suddenly gained some confidence and gently lifted my leg until it was able to led his head to where I wanted it.  He slightly hummed in response...  Things just kept escalating from there.  It was a magical night,  one I knew I would never forget.  the night we lost our virginity..  But I glad it was to him,  and not anyone else. 

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