Woodshop Wontons

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Betty POV

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Betty POV

With the start of the new semester means some new elective classes to take.  I wanted to take art but it didn't "fit" in or with my schedule according to the academic advisor here at Riverdale High.  My only option- Woodshop.  This semester just went from great to frustrating real quick. 

--- the next day----

I walk into woodshop.  I see the grumpy,  white haired woodshop teacher,  Mr. Warber drinking coffee at his desk.  His coffee and freshly cut wood taking over my senses.  Before I know it,  it is time to start class. 

"Okay,  you all are getting assigned seats. " Mr. Warber starts.  After a short period of time he says,  "Betty Cooper,  Jughead Jones,  Sweet Pea,  and Toni Topaz. " While obnoxiously pointing four times at our new table. I take my seat nervously.  Jughead freaking Jones and his group of friends are sitting with me.  DAMN IT.  I don't want to be around Jughead because he is friends with my ex,  Archie.  Childhood friends to be exact. 

"Hey,  Cooper. " I hear a voice say from behind me.  Jughead to be exact and he is shamelessly flirting with me too because he tops of his introduction with a wink.  I just nod silently hoping he gets the hint. 

---flash forward: half way through the semester--

Jughead has been relentless.  I started flirting back - shit.  What have I done?  It started when Mr.  Warber showed us a safety video for some new machine he wanted us to use and I thought the two men in the video were awfully cheery so I said
"I wonder if they have ever fucked?" into Jung's ear seeing how he was the closest to me,  and technically "my seat partner". He laughed so hard at my secret remark that he almost fell out of his seat,  which was just a stool.  Mr.  Warber was pissed. 
The flirting continued and progressed to the point that Sweet Pea and Toni noticed and they mocked us for it. 
Sweet Pea actually said one afternoon,  "I expect an invite to the wedding. " Apparently those two saw "this" coming.  Whatever "this" was. 

It wasn't until this specific afternoon that I realized I was falling for Jughead.  I had felt adventurous that morning and decided to wear an old pair of Polly's old black skinny jeans.  I should have checked the pants were still good to wear though. 
Once I reach the wokshop,  Mr.  Warber called us over for a class meeting about a new wood cutting technique and by the time the meeting ended,  Jug pulls me to the side and whispers,  "your zipper is down. " I turned tomato red.  I quickly turn around and damn straight,  he was right. I pull my zipper up,  and then embarrassed I start pulling my hoodie down like it could go all the way down my body.  Jug just laughs at me and my state.  And that folks is how I started dating my ex's best and childhood friend.  Now we are eight years strong. 

Okay so this is a true story.  This actually happened to me and my fiance'
I thought it would be fun and cute to turn it bughead to share this life experience of mine.  Hope you all feel closer to me now.  It's also true that we have been together ever since. 

Please request,  vote and please go read my other story,  named "Name in the sand"...  What can I say,  I like that song.  😜

Thanks everyone! 

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