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Cheryl POV"Circles round and round And feeling my demons" The pain that filled my heart made my demons come alive

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Cheryl POV
"Circles round and round And feeling my demons"
The pain that filled my heart made my demons come alive. I tortured my classmates as a way to cope.  I needed to feel powerful,  because I wasn't anywhere else in my life.  It started after Jason went missing.  I tortured Betty at cheer tryouts.  The only reason I stopped is because I knew if I didn't they were going to break down my wall,  or at least Veronica was. 
"Go ahead break,  fall apart this coat of armor feeds off of the hurt,  makes me stronger"
When Archibald ran onto the field.  I couldn't help but get inside my feelings.  I saw Jason every single time he did this.  I pictured Jason,  it didn't help that Archie had on his jersey.  I mentally cracked.  I ran towards the vixens locker room. I started bawling.  All my emotions flooded over my dam.  Veronica walks in and wraps her arms over me.  I start to calm down.  She cared.  Maybe the pain does make me stronger. 
" Feel the fire in my chest,  let it burn let it spread,  comes alive ash to ash,  circle round and round,  embracing my demons. "
This night my mother was going to feel the pain I have felt since that day.  I poured the gasoline all around the large manison of a house.  But it was never a home.  This place was always cold. This was the only fitting way to warm it up.  I stood at the fire place waiting for my egg donors arrival.  When she spoke up,  I turned to her with a candle stick ready.  When she didn't shut up.  I dropped it.  Flames filled the hell hole of a home quickly,  and also filled me with a sense of peace that I haven't had since Jason went missing.  I finally felt alive again..  My dreadful mother couldn't stop hitting me.  I have no fucks.  I stood there,  proud of myself.  This was a new beginning for Cheryl Marjorie Blossom.  I was going to turn my mothers world upside down.  Welcome to hell,  mommy dearest.  Meet your new tour guide,  your very own,  "devils spawn" 💋😈

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