The Main Mothers of Riverdale Pt.1

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The main mothers of Riverdale consisted of Alice Cooper (Smith),  Hermoine Lodge (Gomez),  Penelope Blossom,  of course Mary Andrews too. 
This one shot is how I see the friendships between the moms. 
*flashback* Alice Smith and Hermoine Gomez are passing notes in class. 

Alice POV ⚡

I was sitting in History trying to pay attention.  This year my grades mattered because if I don't pass eighth grade,  I can kiss high school goodbye.  I was taking my notes when I felt something hit the back of my shoulder blade.  I huffed and then picked up what hit me,  a note.  I carefully open it to read what it said and find out who wrote it.  It read
"Hey Alice,  I know we aren't close, but could you help me with something after school? -H"
..  Hermoine.  I quickly grab my pen,  and write under her message:
"I guess but what is in it for me? "
I casually throw the note behind me again,  as to not get the teachers attention.  A few minutes later,  she wrote back and tossed me the note that ,  "I'll pay you to help me... " I thought to myself what the hell does Hermoine freaking Gomez need my help with so badly that she will pay me for it?  I have her a glance that said that I would.  After class I got up and told her to meet by my locker after school.

After school. 
"Hey Alice. " This little Catholic girl says to me.  "Sup? " I said back placing my backpack over my serpent jacket,  and pulling my hair from the straps.  "I need your help making me rebellious. Or well maybe advice? ... " "You need my help be coming a rebel?  Why? "...  As I said that I could tell Hermoine was contemplating something.  " It's Hiram.  I want to be the kind of girl that he likes,  and well,  I don't think I fit into the category very well. "....  We actually spent months switching advice, and learning more about one another..  The detention we all got didn't help,  but it gave us more time to do just what we wanted. Hermoine was actually decent,  but being the woman I am,  I was guarded so I was always slightly bitchy.  Hermoine being who she was,  took it..  Like almost absorbed it,  learned from it.  We developed a friendship beyond the facade we both put out.  I finally had a female friend I knew I could trust. Except she was finally able to score Hiram Lodge,  and left with him after high school.  It's a shame.  There goes my friend. 

End flashback,  current time now..

I heard through the grape vine that Hermoine was coming back and bringing her daughter because Hiram was arrested for emblezzement.  I was filled with mix emotions.  I was finally getting my friend back, and it was a shame how, but I was still upset she left in the first place.  I guess that is what I get for believing I'm worth sticking around for.  I decided to tell my daughter,  Betty,  who is the same age as the Lodge girl to stay away from her.  I don't want her going through the same pain as I did with Hermoine.  Although,  Betty is stubborn,  and never listens.  It wasn't until Hermoine talked to me in Pops that I realized a lot has changed.  I think I should move on,  and give these girls their second chance and Veronica shouldn't have been judged on her mothers and I friendship. 

Sunday afternoon tea between both generations of Lodge and Cooper women. 

"So Betty tells me there is an interesting past between you,  Mrs.  Cooper,  and possibly even the Andrews and Jones men,  wanna fill us in,  Mama? " Veronica says casually.  "No Mi Amor,  it's in the past.  I'm sure Alice agrees? "..  " Well H,  maybe we should tell them the story of how we become friends?  That doesn't evolve to much? "..  Hermoine sat in thought,  took a deep breath and started the story (the one above)  as Veronica and Betty listened intently.  " Wow,  mom.  I  knew you were a bad ass,  but the soft spot you have for Hermoine is so sweet. " Betty says almost jokingly.  "Aw. You guys were best friends like B and me? " Veronica squeals.  "Yes Mi Hija,  aren't you happy to see our girls like us,  Alice? " "Well,  yeah.  I'm glad Betty and Veronica found each other without us. "
All the women shared smiles and laughs and ate their lunch and tea..  Alice couldn't help but think,  this is how I always saw my friendship being with Hermoine.   😊

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