Chapter 17

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Hey my Wattpaders!

Sorry I haven't updated, but I had no wifi for three days, and had to help my aunt and cousins move into their new home :P .

I also have been stressed out because one of my updating chapters from one of my books called 'His Dirty Secret' got deleted and I had to rewrite it twice and yeah...

But enough about that. On with the chapter!!!


Christy's POV:

Before we turn the corner I am pulled off of - more like yanked off of, David's back, and into a man's arm. According to the tingles, it's my mate.

Well shit then..

"Listen here peasant, you aren't allowed to touch my mate, or I will make sure to make your death nice and slow." Chase says while giving David an ice cold death glare that sent chills in my spine - and not the good kind.

Mate say whaaaat?

Now cue the minions from Despicable Me 2.

"Ahem, Chase, David here is my trainer and he was giving me a piggy back ride to the ice cream parlor because of all the training today. So, let go of him and don't you dare start treating him like crap, because he sure did treat me a hell lot better than you." I say while shooting daggers at Chase, and grabbing David's hand and stomping away to the ice cream parlor.

"We'll that was..interesting. I didn't know you had an Alpha mate." David says looking at me.

"Well because I'm not giving him a chance yet, so why should I call him my mate?" I say while moving two steps closer to the cashier.

"Why?" He asks curiously beside me.

"I was my pack's little reject. He bullied me, he rejected me, and when I came back a couple weeks ago he is trying to be the good mate. Even though he calls me a slut, and makes out with the pack's slut." I say monotone.

He stays silent for a few moments, and I just stared at what flavor Ice Cream they have.

Hmm..Raspberry Ice Cream sounds great.

We finally reach the cashier, and she gives us a nice heartwarming smile.

"Hello, welcome to Jane's Parlor, have you already thought about what you want to have?" She asks with a smile.

"I have, I will have a Raspberry Ice Cream with a small cone please, with whip cream." I say.

"And I will have the Turtle Ice Cream with caramel syrup and a little bit of whip cream please in a cone." He says with a grin.

Oh this boy is something else..

"That will be $8.59. Your orders will be ready in a few. Have a nice day." The cashier lady says with a really big smile.

She must really love her job.


4 minutes later..

"Here are your ice creams." The cashier lady says handing each of us our ice creams.

We give her a quick thank you, and go sit outside at a empty table.

"Why did he reject you?" David says breaking the silence.

"He said that I was a mistake, and would be embarrassed to be seen with me." I say with a sad tone.

"Well, he is a big jerk in my opinion. He shouldn't pull a beautiful girl like that, where did his Alpha manners go?" He says chuckling.

"Down his ass apparently." I say giggling.

He sure does know how to cheer me up, even though he is a mean trainer.

"Well, I guess I should take you home. Don't want to be on an Alpha's bad side." He says in a jokingly manner.

"He already is on mine, so who cares?" I say shrugging.

He grabs his keys, grabs my arm and leads me to his car.

His car was my dream car. I just feel like running away with his car..

It is a Chevy Camaro 2014. It's blue by the way.

"Oh my gosh! I love you car!" I say completely going into 'fangirl' mode.

"You want it? I'll sell it to you for $2,000." David says grinning like the chesire cat.

"Really?!" I say grinning widely.

"No," He says turning on the ignition," where do you live?"

"I don't want a stalker.." I say in a joking manner.

"Whatever." He says chuckling whilst rolling his eyes.

"Fine just take me to the Moonlight Pack." I say.

He sucks in a breath.

"What?" I say confused.

"You're the Moon Goddess' daughter?" He asks with wide eyes.

"How do you know?" I say slowly.

"Everybody knows." He says.

"How?" I ask angry.

"I think her name is, Chelsea" He says unsure.

"Chelsea Jennings?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, that's her name." He says looking a bit worried.

Stupid slut, I knew you were bad news..


Hello my lovely and handsome readers! (Not sure if I have any guy readers..)

Anyways, sorry for the late update, my cousins were driving me crazy, and school started and I have a ton of homework since I'm graduating this year.

Sorry again for the suckish end of this chapter, I know I suck at writing. I have reread my first chapters, and I'm disappointed in myself. I don't know how you guys coped with this book :'D

With love,

Faith <3

PS: I'm at a field trip right now so before I lose connection here you go! Yes, I am going to hike a mountain..sigh. Im so unfit for a skinny person.

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