Another sick fic but Jack takes care of Dave this time

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Author's notes at the end

Dave opened his eyes, and immediately regretted it. His head was pounding like a son of a bitch, and he felt chilly.
His nose, (or lack of one) was in that gross state of being both runny and stuffy, something even Henry wouldn't wish ill will upon.
Dave squinted, glowering around at the small, dark security office he was laying in. He forgot that he had spent the night in the Fazbunker.
He also forgot that he had no food or a bed down here. He sniffed the last of his cocaine last night and his "bed" was just a pile of newspapers, most of them about his various "misdeeds" at work.
"Well, this is shit." Dave said out loud to himself. Wincing, Dave rolled over and pressed a button on the computer. The machine roared into life, and Dave quickly moved the mouse over to the camera icon.
The camera turned on, and he was able to get a good look at Old Sport's room. He smiled to himself, stroking his genius self for sneaking cameras into Old Sport's house so he could watch him.
"At least I won't be bored today, I always love watching sportsy. I know he'll be coming back in from his shower any moment now." He thought to himself.
He lay there, motionless, entirely focused on the screen in front of him, waiting.
First, a few minutes passed. Then, it was half an hour. Later.... it was almost noon. Dave was frustrated.
"What the fuck." Dave thought. "Where the fuck is he? Last time I checked, Old Sport didn't have to work today, Freddy's was closed on Sundays." He yelled in his own head.
Just then, Dave heard a loud banging from the vent above. Falling with the grace of a walrus, Old Sport popped out from the vent, wearing a miner's outfit for some reason, and landed right next to Dave.
Old Sport looked up, confused for a second before meeting Dave's bewildered gaze. They both stared at each other dumbly for about two seconds before Old Sport spoke up. (Que slower, in a different key version of Dave's theme.)
"Dave?!" Old Sport exclaimed, being startled by his "foe's" appearance. He hadn't seen him since the Colorado location. He stood up, and almost took what appeared to be a defensive stance.
Dave got up as well, although he was more slow and unsteady. His eye lights dimmed as they glared steadfastly into his "foes" eyes.
"Yes, it is I. The elusive aubergin—" Dave couldn't even finish his sentence. He started having a violent coughing fit.
".....uuuuuhhhhhhhh are you okay? You seem a little sick." Old Sport asked, a little bit of concern seeping into his voice.
Dave stubbornly kept on trying to glare at Old Sport through his coughing fit, it ended up looking more comedic than intimidating however.
Once he was finally done coughing, Dave continued. "Now I'm gonna level with ya. I am little sick, and I do feel like shit. But, that gonna stop me from trying to stop you."
"...Stop me from what exactly?" Old Sport inquired.
Dave tried to grin maniacally, but it seemed more loopy than usual. "From this!"
Dave grabbed a button from his pocket and pressed it. "Funtimes, go get'im!" He yelled.
Dave started laughing evilly, before hearing a powering down noise. "Shit, no no nonO!" He screamed.
Old Sport watched his other half struggle, almost feeling pity. He's never seen Dave this scatterbrained before. "Dave, I-"
Dave's attention shifted back to Old Sport, and his glare somehow intensified. "I know, I know. Even though my children won't help me, even though I'm sick, I'm still going to stop you, Old Sport. I am going to stop you." Dave repeated almost feverishly.
"Stop me from what, Dave?" Old Sport asked calmly.
"From you being here! You're not supposed to be here, ya know. You were not supposed to find this place. I was going to—t-goddam—"
All his talking sent Dave into another coughing fit. Before Dave could think of talking again, Old Sport held up his hand, signaling him to stop.
"Okay, Dave. I know we're "enemies" and we're supposed to hate each other because I saved the kiddens back in Colorado.... but you look bad right now. As in, you need a bed and warm food right now bad.
Old Sport looked up and noticed a hatch and ladder behind Dave as he said this. Gently moving Dave out of the way, Old Sport started climbing the ladder.
"Where are we, anyways?" Old Sport asked. Dave feebly grabbed at Old Sport's pant leg.
"Wait, Old Sport. Please don't go up there." Dave begged, almost demanding it.
Old Sport shook Dave off of him and opened the hatch above. It took his eyes a few moments but he soon wished that they didn't. They were in or under Fredbear's Family Diner.
"Nope, nope, nononononono." Old Sport quietly mumbled to himself as he swiftly climbed down the ladder, wearing a large grimace on his face.
Old Sport didn't turn around, instead he squatted down and signaled Dave to climb on.
"Wat? Old Sport, what are doing?" Dave asked, looking very confused.
"Dave, get on my back." Old Sport ordered. "Why?" Dave inquires. Old Sport turns his head so that he can speak with Dave more clearly.
"Because you're sick, you're alone with no food, bed, or medicine, and you're under Fredbear's, for some godforsaken reason." Old Sport listed.
"...." Dave looked down, staying silent and looking almost hurt.
"...I'll take you to my place if you come with me." Old Sport bribed.
At that, Dave excitedly hopped onto Old Sport's back, almost knocking Old Sport off his feet, before they climbed back up the ladder and left the diner.
"Old Sport, I'm so proud of you." Dave chuckled as Old Sport drove down the highway.
Old Sport scowled as he concentrated on the road in front of him. "Dave, you told me to hijack this car and leave the person tied up near the police station.
"Yeah... But I didn't think you'd do it!" Dave answered back, amused by the whole situation.
"The only reason I did do it was because I didn't want to walk 469 miles back home." Old Sport claimed firmly.
Dave had a shit eating grin on his face, which Old Sport roughly translated it to: "You did it because you wanted to have fun with me."
Old Sport tried not to return the grin, and instead focused on driving somewhat legally.
Dave reclined in his seat, enjoying the beauty of Utah, nonchalantly commenting on that they could speed if they wanted to since they stole a police car.
"Hey, Old Sport. How long do we have until we get to your place?" Dave asked. "About 7 hours, so try to get some rest if you can, it's gonna be a long ride."
With that, Dave laid back and closed his eyes.
The ride was... uneventful, for the most part. At least as uneventful as Dave and Old Sport can be.
Some dust had gotten into the car and made Dave sneeze aggressively. He got snot everywhere so they robbed a gas station for tissues and wet wipes.
Besides that however.... the ride was mostly uneventful. Because of their pit stop, they didn't reach Old Sport's home until 9.
Dave was passed out, having finally fallen asleep an hour ago. Old Sport carefully picked him up and bridal carried him into the house. He tucked Dave into his bed, and then crashed on his couch.
"Today was interesting. I found a tunnel in my house that led me to Dave and Fredbears. Dave's sick and he needs help, so I took him home with me. I hope the Real Fredbear doesn't mind... Oh well, tomorrow is another day."
The next morning, Dave woke up. He felt just as bad as yesterday, but something was different. He was in real bed this time.
That's when he remembered yesterday, how Old Sport had broken into the Fazbunker, and found him in his pitiable state.
He should be mad, disappointed even, that Old Sport had ruined his future plans but surprisingly he wasn't upset.
There was a pleasant sizzling downstairs. Even though Dave couldn't smell, he had a good idea about what was being made in the kitchen.
There was a thumping up the stairs and Old Sport opened the door. In his hands were two plates filled with bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast.
"Morning." Old Sport stated cheerily as he walked over to the bed. Old Sport sat down and placed one of the plates on Dave's lap.
Dave stared ravenously at the food in front of him. Old Sport suddenly piped in, saying: "I know I didn't ask whether you liked breakfast or not, but is this okay?" He queried.
Surprised by how thoughtful his question was, Dave replied: "Sportsy, I haven't eaten in at least 6 months, this is great." Old Sport smiled, genuinely smiled then. He was glad that he could help Dave, even if it was something small like breakfast.
With that, the two fruit loops enjoyed their meal amicably. After they finished eating, Old Sport took their plates and ran down stairs. He quickly returned with a thermometer and a bottle of medicine.
Old Sport stuck the thermometer in Dave's mouth, checking his temperature. He looked at the thermometer and gasped. "Jesus Christ Dave. You're at 102.5 right now."
"Shit, really?" Dave replied. "Yeah, good thing I have some medicine for that." Old Sport added.
Old Sport poured out two pills from the bottle. "Here, take two of these. They should help bring your fever down."
Dave looked down reluctantly at the two pills in his hand. He looked back up and pouted: "But I don't wanna."
"Dave, you have to if you want to feel better." Old Sport explained. "No." Dave said firmly.
Old Sport got up and shrugged: "Alright, I guess you don't wanna sit down and watch movies with me later on the couch."
Dave suddenly gazed back up: "You wanted to watch movies with me?!"
"Uh, yeah? What, you thought I was gonna leave you alone up here with nothing to do?" Old Sport inquired.
Dave didn't answer, instead swallowing the two pills graciously, being thoroughly bribed by Old Sport once again.
Satisfied, Old Sport decided to walk back downstairs, wanting to clean up the kitchen and tidy up before their movie day started.
"Dave, don't be afraid to holler at me if you need anything." Old Sport declared.
"Whatever you say, Nursey~" Dave teased.
"What?" Old Sport turned around.
"Nothing, Old Nurse." Dave winked.
Old Sport shook his head and blushed a little: "Dave, you're so weird."
With that, Old Sport grinned again and left the room. Leaving Dave all by himself for a bit.
Dave observed the room around him. It was fairly small, with a lot of old toys surrounding the bed. The room was painted purple ("A good choice" Dave thought to himself.) and across from the bed it had a large closet. There were some pictures on the wall of doggos and and a picture of a family near the bed. Maybe it was his family?
All in all, it was cute room, honestly something Dave himself would have if he had a house. Just as he got done examining the room, Old Sport stepped inside.
"Hey Dave, I cleaned the place up and if you're ready we can watch some movies now if you'd like." Old Sport chimed in happily.
"Yeah, sportsy. I'd like that a lot." Dave responded as he sat up.
Excited at the prospects of watching movies with his favorite person (er.... favorite living person) Dave stood up quickly before getting dizzy and almost tumbling over onto the bed.
Old Sport ran over and caught him, using one hand to support his back while the other grabbed his hand.
"Woah, careful Dave! I know you're excited about movies, but you gotta be more careful about getting up like that." Old Sport advised.
Dave looked into his concerned companions eyes, finding it adorable that he's acting so worried about him. He takes a moment to reply.
"Alright Nursey. I'll be more careful, don't worry." He reassured him.
Old Sport looked at him with an endearing expression on his face as he lead him out of the door to the stairs.
They both make a treacherous journey down the stairs, Old Sport whispering words of encouragement the whole time, never letting go of Dave's hand.
Eventually, they make it downstairs just fine and they both plop down on the couch, exhausted from their trek.
Old Sport stood up and walked over to the small pile of vhs tapes in front of of the tv, asking his "patient" what movie he wanted to watch.
None of them really caught his attention until he laid his eyes on "The Godfather." Dave started hopping up and down excitedly like a puppy, eyes beaming when he saw the vhs cover.
"Sportsy! We have to watch this one, it's a classic!" Dave insisted.
"Okay. I actually have both Part I and II here so we'll be set for a while." Stated Old Sport.
Old Sport went into the kitchen to quickly make some popcorn. Soon he came back and grabbing a massive blanket for them to share, they began the first movie.
Throughout the movie, Dave thought he saw Old Sport inch closer towards him, but he honestly wasn't sure until he felt him lean onto his shoulder a little.
The first movie ended, and Old Sport stood up again to put in the second movie. Dave about lost it when Old Sport came back and huddled into him again.
Dave could barely concentrate on the second movie, almost entirely focused on the man snuggling against him.
Dave, although hesitant at first, decided to put his arm around him to bring him a little closer. He almost lost it again when Old Sport didn't flinch away from the contact.
They sat there together, comfortable for a while, enjoying the movie and each other's company. It was so... strange to both of them.
Dave's never had anything this.... domestic before. Much less with a man. He's only really ever been with strippers before.
Old Sport hasn't had anything like this in years. Not since his family had died.
After the movie, both seemed reluctant leave their spots, yet were aware of their position being seen as anything less than gay.
Old Sport started to get up, noticing how dark it was, when Dave grabbed his hand.
"Wait, Sportsy. Stay here tonight." Dave said almost pleadingly.
Old Sport looked perplexed. "But wouldn't you rather sleep in bed?"
"Naw, I'm good. I've slept on a bed of nails before, so this is fine." Dave stated in a matter of fact tone.
"Please, it's not weird as long as we say no homo." Dave argued.
Old Sport paused for a moment, before lying down
on the sofa next to Dave.
It takes them a while, but they soon find a comfortable position. Old Sport's head is nuzzled into Dave's shoulder, one of Dave's arms is draped around Old Sport's waist.
They both laid there for what seemed like hours, taking in the others presence. Old Sport had thought that Dave had fallen asleep when he heard a cough.
Old Sport looked up and met Dave's eyes again.
"Ah, ya are still awake, Old Sport." Dave exclaimed. Old Sport noddedly sleepily, noting that Dave didn't go into a coughing fit this time.
Dave sighed: "Ya know, it's funny. Henry never really showed me anything like this. Actual concern for me."
Old Sport perked up at that, "Really?"
"Yeah." Dave responded. "He was always busy running the business or taking care our robots or trying to sabotage Freddy's." He continued.
"He never really had time to stop and care if I was sick or injured. Even when I was springtrapped."
Old Sport frowned at that, Henry being apathetic to everyone was one thing, being careless with his business partner and his best mechanic was altogether messed up.
"It's alright though. Henry was a good man. He just was too busy and stressed with everything going on around him." Dave explained.
Old Sport doubted everything Dave said, but nodded anyways.
"Anyways, I wanted to thank you, Old Sport. You've really been a good nurse to me." Dave grinned mischievously.
Old Sport rolled his eyes: "Yeah, yeah. I know. You've been an okay patient too."
At that, Dave jabbed his ribs a little, finding out that Old Sport is ticklish right there, and proceeded to tickle him playfully for a minute.
Old Sport tried to tickle him back, but Dave is unfortunately the least ticklish person alive (kind of).
They laid back on the couch laughing a little, before settling back into their more comfortable position.
They enjoyed each other's company, both slowly getting more drowsy as they calmed down from their tickle fight earlier. Old Sport grabbed the blanket and threw it over them.
Before they fell asleep, Old Sport murmured: "...I wish you didn't murder kids all the time..."
Dave looked down at his companion, and for once agreed: "Yeah, me too." Before succumbing to their slumber.
Dave opened his eyes, finding that it was still incredibly dark outside. He looked at his other half, sound asleep, cuddling him rather tightly.
He looks over at the previously ignored kitchen, and sees that the oven reads 12:00.
He suddenly realizes that his headache is gone, and that his fever seems to have gone down as well.
Dave, looks back down at Old Sport, a sad look on his face. He knows he can't stay here, knowing that he still needs to fulfill his and Henry's wish.
Slowly, so that he wouldn't wake him up, Dave slips out of Old Sport's grasp.
Before leaving, Dave writes a note for Old Sport and leaves it on kitchen counter.
He then goes over and gives him a kiss on his head. Dave gives a watery smile before sneaking out of the house, and driving the police car back to Utah.

Hey guys! This one was a monster to write. I wanted to try out a longer chapter, just to see if it'd be good or not. You guys tell me if this a good length or not. I really liked this chapter because of how fluffy I tried to make it. I do feel I could have handled Dave being sick better but otherwise I'm mostly proud of how this one came out. I hope you guys have a lovely day and a good reading!

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