Save Him

841 29 13

Author's notes at the end!
Edit: (Warning, there is a torture scene at the end.)

It's so quiet now. Everything looks moldy and decrepit. The restaurant was shut down, there was nothing left anymore. Nothing but a pile of broken dreams and a group of heartbroken, lost souls.

Dee hiccups, not able to cry anymore as a marionette, even if she really wanted to. She's hiding in her box, laying dejectedly in a fetal position in silence.

She couldn't save them. She wasn't able to. He stopped her. And even worse, he had help. Her brother's help, Jack. Jack, her flesh and blood, the one person alive who remembered her, who still cared about her, was corrupted by him.

Dee started to shake, her anger still boiling powerfully inside of her. That bastard, poisoning the one hope she and so many other souls had. How could someone be so horrible? Murdering innocent children, manipulating others, all for the goal of shutting down some stupid pizza franchise? Sick, it's all sick!

Dee felt herself starting to lose control, she knew that she was going to try to break out of the box, even if it destroyed her. She tenses up, and slowly coils into herself.

She will get out of this box. So what if it's locked?  She will brute force it if she has to! She needs to save Jack and wring Dave's long, ugly neck! Thriving off of her fresh anger towards Dave, she concentrates. Feeling ready, she counts to three.

"One, two, thr-" Dee freezes, her voice disappearing.

She hears footsteps. Big, loud, thudding footsteps that could belong to a giant. She stays still, trying to scope out how close they were, and if they were heading towards her.

This... doesn't make any sense. Why would anyone come to this accursed place? Especially now?

Dee digs herself further into the corner of her box as she hears the steps become menacingly louder. They come to a stop right next to her box. Dee tries to control her growing sense of fear as silence fills the room once again.

She hears a shuffling sound, almost as if someone was going through their pocket. Feeling tense, she coils into herself defensively, readying herself to attack whoever was outside.


Dee attacks.

Dee tackles the intruder into the ground, pinning their arms with her long fingers. She gets ready to slash the intruder open, but is soon thrown off as she feels something smash her waist, sending a shock that near paralysis her whole body.

Dee lands on the ground, unable to make herself move or float. With extreme difficulty, Dee turns her head towards her assailant. Her eye lights dim in horror as she realizes who it is.

It was Dave.

The two of them glared at each other tensely, a feeling of an old, intense hatred rising in Dee's soul. She struggles, trying to move but soon realizing she can't. Dave steps back, clearly to protect himself.

"What are doing here?" She screams, her voice echoing throughout the abandoned building. Dave doesn't say anything, he instead places the taser onto the ground, never taking his eyes off of her's. Dee starts to feel uneasy. Dave is never this quiet, not without reason.

Starting to feel scared, and having her emotions take over her, she screams. "What do you WANT? HAVEN'T YOU ALREADY TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM ME?" She cries out, trying to put as much of her anger into her voice as she could. Dave still doesn't respond, but she notices his pained expression... and the tears in his eyes.

Dave finally speaks, slumping down onto the floor, in an uncharacteristicly quivering voice: "Dee, I'm- I'm sorry." Is all he says, clearly trying not to break down. Dee is disturbed by this, how does he know her name? The only way he'd know would be... but Dee ignores this as her anger climaxes.

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