Henry's Hell

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There was nothing. Only darkness. Not a regular type of darkness! No, this wasn't just darkness... this was...


The Void. The scene of an inescapable silence and pondering. A place the none but one man has gone before. A-


You're not even paying attention, are you Henry?


You know this already, Why do I bother-

Henry was in fact completely ignoring the disembodied voice, instead practicing his evil cackle. He knew that Jack, "Dave", and the unimportant ones were all heading to his lair soon, and he couldn't wait!

He felt himself stand and a shot of excitement burst up his spine. He couldn't be more thrilled to shove all of their fuck ups, disappointments, mistakes in their faces!

He suddenly gets blinded by something he hasn't seen in a long time.. light!

It... was burning his retinas.


Henry conceals his excitement (and pain), instead putting on his trusty mask: a wide, empty smile and soul sucking eyes. Assuming his cold, mechanical stance, he greets his incoming guests.

"Visitors? How quaint." He remarks robotically, looking at the menagerie of morons in front of him.

"Is it judgement day already?" He smirks, glancing at their low-browed glares and hung heads.

"Yeah..." William said.

"...Of how OLD you are!" Jack blurted out. A whole bunch of balloons, confetti, and even a cake appeared out of thin... nothing? Air doesn't exist in the Void, does it?

Henry's smirk vanished as he was grabbed and thrown onto a chair and pushed into a table.

"What on EARTH ARE YOU DOINGGG!" He yells, struggling as a bunch of magical streamers wrapped around him and effectively tied him to the chair.

"Henry!" Dave exclaimed, pulling out a photo album that was falling apart at the seams.

"We found out through this old photo album that you-" he points a finger right at Henry's face- "Had never had a birthday party in the past-" Dave pauses and thinks for a moment, his tongue sticking out like a cartoon character.
"Past 106 years you've been alive!"

"WHAT?!" Henry strains against the streamers, which now almost feel as solid as iron. His eyes bulged nearly out of his sockets.

"Yeah! We thought it'd be nice if we all went down here and celebrated it with you, right guys?"

"Yeah!" The entourage cheered.

"And what better way to celebrate it then with the Freddy's birthday theme song-"

Henry shriveled as he heard that cursed song from his past blare all around him.

"Chocolate cake." Dave held a chocolate cake earnestly in his hands. The cake was a standard cake, with a pink frosting that spelled out "Happy Birthday Henry". This would've been almost cute if Henry didn't despise chocolate with all his being. He fought back the urge to gag.

"And last but not least... PUNS!" Everyones' heads turns when Dave yells it. Henry shrinks and kicks desperately as the group surrounds him.

"Come on, everybody. Quit clowning around!"

"Aw, c'mon Dave! You know I'm no clown! I prefer to monkey around." Jack proclaims, turning into an orange monkey for some reason.

Henry sweats: "Oh God, they're telling puns... and rhyming."

"Jesus, please let this end." Henry mutters to himself.

"Who's Jesus? I only know Jeswe!" Blackjack jokes.

Jack gasps and puts his hands on his hips: "BlackJack! My own soul. Don't you know that we identify as JesI?"

This sends the dog howling with laughter. The only thing it does to Henry is want to send himself into oblivion.

"Wow you guys. You're really cutting me open here." Dee laughs, sending a cruel glance to Henry.

"Heh, ya! These puns are a piece of cake. One of the Phone Guys- Peter, suddenly shoves a generous piece of cake into Henry's mouth.

"Yeah, it's-it's a good call choosing chocolate cake for him." The other phone guy chuckled.

Henry wants to rip his ears off. This was— was too much. He's going apeshit under this.

"Will you just STOP this charade?" Henry screams.

Everyone pauses, but only momentarily. Dave walks up to Henry, and pinches his cheek.

"Aww, is little Henry Wenry tired?" Dave coos. Henry wants to stab him, brutally.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this Henry, but we can't end this party yet!" Dave says.

"We have to make up for the 106 years of birthday parties you didn't have." Peter chimes in.

"And since time runs differently here..." Steven, Dee, and BlackJack chorused.

All of their eyes go dark, and they all snap their necks in Henry's direction. Jack wordlessly climbs up onto the table, and crouches to Henry's eye level.

"The Void has no "time", technically. So this party is for eternity." He leans into Henry's ear hole "Happy Birthday forever, bastard".

Jack stands back up, everyone turning back to normal. The music gets louder, more cake keeps appearing, and the puns just keep on coming.

Henry starts screaming unintelligibly. The world is spinning and getting louder. Eventually, he starts screaming: "Narrator, NARRATOR. GET ME OUT OF THIiISsss."

He then here's the narrator's voice, scream-singing happy birthday with everyone else. Since when did everyone else join in?

Henry stops struggling, goes limp. There's no use fighting it. This was his eternity now. He will never escape. It never ends. It never ends.  It never ends.  It never ends.  It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never ends. It never-

Ahhhhhhh it's been forever!!! Gosh, I'm sorry it's been so long guys! I hope everyone's doing okay! This was a request for a CrabbyGirk over on Wattpad! I hope you enjoy this!!!
Question, would you guys like if I give an update on A Second Chance? Would you prefer if I put something on here or make a video? Tell down below if you'd like!
Anyways, thank you for reading! Have a good day!

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