A Strange Night Pt.2

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I feel the air slowly getting colder as I am whisked away from the alley by Dave. He almost seems to have a vice grip on my wrist as we speed walk through the busy Vegas casino area. I bump into him as he stops in front of a fancy "grill your own dinner" restaurant called "The Capital Grille".

"Here we are, old sport!" Dave says excitedly. He crouches down and jazz hands, looking like a pleased puppy. It's both disgusting and endearing. I try not to think of that, instead I choose to hesitantly smile at the gesture.

"This place looks great." I say near mockingly. Dave smiles at my half hearted compliment, and wraps his freakishly long arm around my shoulder; I repress a shudder. "Thanks, sportsy. Ain't it a beaut?" He asks.

"Well, yeah but Dave..." I turn to look at him. "How are we going to get in? Or pay for that matter?" I ask in return. A troubled look briefly shows on Dave's face before he quickly masks it. He waves his hand in front of my face dismissively.

"Aw, pay shmay old sport. I have a great spot in mind for where we can eat." He says. Before I have time to question him, he grabs my wrist again and we sprint to the back of the restaurant.

Dave halts the two of us right next to the dumpster. I stand there confused for a second, wondering why we were back here before looking over to Dave and seeing the ravenous look on his face. Then everything clicks.

Oh. My. God. We're eating from the garbage. As in, rotten food. That's probably been out for at least a couple of hours. That rats have gotten into. In a garbage can they may be a bed for one of those smelly hobos.

I try to fight the wave of nausea as Dave dumpster dives. He sifts through the trash like a snake, popping in and out occasionally to breathe. A couple of minutes later, Dave resurfaces with 5 kebabs in his hands.

He eagerly tries to give me the kebabs but I politely refuse. There were maggots in the meat and the vegetables. Dave looks down dejectedly, apologizing: "Sorry, old sport."

He looks up at me sadly, before saying: "You're not much of a garbage kebab guy, are ya?" I quietly nod to him, not sure what to think of his sudden mood change. Dave chucks the kebabs back into the dumpster, and leaves me in the alleyway, alone.

"Oh jeez." I say quietly to myself. I look down at the ground where he stood, a feeling of guilt pitting in my heart. I didn't mean to make him feel bad. He just wanted to go on a date with me (for some reason.) and I just wanted to forget her. He seemed so lonely, like how I've felt all night. And all I've done is be an asshole to him....

God, maybe that's why she left. That's probably it, actually. She probably felt like I wasn't treating her right, so she left. It makes sense, really. No one likes an asshole, even purple men.

I'm not sure why, but tears start falling down my face. God, I've been horrible. I've scared everyone I've ever cared about away from me with my bitterness. I even scared Dave away.

I start to sob, losing control of my emotions at this point. God, this may be the worst date I've ever been on, but no one deserves to be mistreated like that. Oh well, I deserve it. I'll have to get used to it, being alone.

Just as these thoughts were flooding my mind, I am abruptly snapped out of them by screams from the restaurant. Cackling can be heard near the back where I was standing, and smoke seemed to be billowing out of the back door. I jump as the back door is violently kicked open, Dave sprinting out with.... fresh kebabs?!

"Dave, what the h-" I ask loudly, before being interrupted. "No time to explain, run!" He orders. Having no time to think, I blindly follow Dave out of the alleyway. We run for about a mile, eventually hiding behind a dinky bar. I try to catch my breath, trying not to blackout from how far we've ran. I'm taken aback when Dave's mit hand gently wipes my cheek.

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