Save Him Ch.2

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Author's notes at the end! No warning this time, unless you're weak to feelz.

Dave and Dee traveled for miles, braving the cool Californian nights and the friendly, sunny days. While pleasant for most, this was a nightmare for the two of them.

They couldn't go into any stores throughout the day, as their appearance frightens most cashiers and they had to run from the police frequently.

Nearly anyone who saw them ran away with fear, and when they didn't they usually wanted "favors" or help with drug deals. Dave would've been fine with the drug deals, but Dee would drag him away before he could feed his cocaine addiction.

The favors on the other hand.. neither of them liked that.Some of them were tame while others were horrible and depraved.

The last one they had was awful, so much so that both Dave and Dee strangled the man near to death and left him in the woods.

After that incident, both Dave and Dee agreed that they should just find a truck to hitchhike on, for both their sakes.

They went along their half merry way for two more miles before stopping at a stop sign near the mountains. Dave collapses on the onto the side of the road, exhausted from his cartwheeling. Dee was impressed that he made it this far without fainting.

Gulping for air, Dave lies down flat on the ground. After a few moments, he replies. "I don't know SP, some people are fucked up sometimes." Out of nowhere Dave jumps up animatedly, he seems ready to recount something.

"Actually, me and Old Sport talked about this. I know that he and I would both fuck a milf-robo-" Dave is slapped hard in the cheek by Dee, who looks disgusted. "Jesus Christ. Please stop talking and go church." She pleads.

Dave rubs his burning cheek, before responding: "Sorry, SP. I'll try not to ruin your brother for you if I can help it." Dee looks at him disdainfully.

Before she can respond, a semi crawls its way up the road, and stops. They nod to each other as they run to the back of the semi and sneak into its trailer.

They stay silent for an hour, before realizing that the driver isn't going to hear them over his radio or the mountain pressure in his ears. Relaxing, Dave stretches out on the bottom of the trailer while Dee floats around leisurely. Some casual conversation slips between them.

"Dave, I'm amazed that you were able to somersault for as long as you did without fainting." Dee remarks. Dave grins proudly: " Oh yeah SP, You should've seen me. I'm out of shape, but nine years ago I was the national somersaulting champion of 1978."

"What?" Dee exclaims incredulously. "Oh yeah SP! Believe it, I was on teh news and everything!" Dave claims enthusiastically.

Dee hums skeptically, "Mmmmmmm nope. I don't buy it. I call bullshit. Also, why do you keep calling me SP? What does that even mean?"

Dave gets a shit eating grin on his face before saying: "It stands for Sock Puppet." Dave shrugs as Dee tries to wring his long neck.

He makes a silly cat face, cackling: "UwU, guess I'll die then." Dee cringes, enough so that she actually stops trying to strangle him in confusion. Dave starts to howl in laughter, amused by how stiff his puppet protégée was.

Dee backs up and sits cross legged on the floor. She contemplates her life decisions for a brief moment before she hears Dave clear his throat. She looks up at him, and finds that he is staring at her timidly.

"Hey, uh you okay?" Dee asks awkwardly. Dave halfheartedly smiles at her: "Yeah, I'm fine. It just..." Dave trails off for a moment, looking hesitant.

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