That Time We Went Bowling With Our Boss Pt.1

978 30 36

Author's notes at the end!

It was a Tuesday afternoon at Freddy Fazbender's Pepperonerie. Children were screaming, the ball pit was claiming victims, and Foxy has had to escape three yiffings today. Overall, it was just another day at Freddy's

In the security room, at the desk and wall covered with monitors of the restaurant, sat an old, red headed Phone Guy. He flicks with dull, practiced precision through the cameras, supervising his employees with a creeping sense of disinterest.

Quietly whispering to himself, the phone man recounted what his employees were doing, fluttering between the cameras as he did so.

"Alright, Ronaldo's in the kitchen making pizza with dog meat, good.... Jimbo's cleaning the hallway for the fifth time, Dave seems to be luring some kiddens.... well, maybe I can blame that on the new employee, we'll see."

Phone Guy jumps right out of seat as he flicks to the next camera, the Prize Corner. Matt, for some godforsaken reason, is right in front of the camera, his eyes glowing red and wearing his permanent, cursed virgin smile on his face.

Phone Guy hurriedly shut off the system. Breathing shallowly, Phone Guy muttered: "This is a curse" before shakily turning on the monitor again. He had to check the restaurant for one more thing: the new employee. His name was "New Game" or something similar.

Praising Scott Cawthon for not seeing Matt on the Prize Corner camera anymore, Phone Guy scoured the restaurant for the missing man, eventually finding him in the Arcade Room playing Breadbear 5000.

He hears a exhale of relief, not realizing right away that it was his own. He rubs the side of his phone head, trying to relax himself for a moment.

This new guy was..... interesting. The guy had an orange complexion, and almost looked like a reanimated corpse. He did do some of his work from what he saw, but he seemed to like to goof off a lot as well. He wasn't very open, seemed to keep to himself a lot unless he needed something. In some ways, he reminded him of Dave.

Feeling his dial furrow a little at the thought of him, Phone Guy paused his thoughts for a second. He's glad that the new employee didn't seem to want to help Dave with his "dream". However, he also was apprehensive. The guy seemed like a loose cannon, unpredictable. It feels like he could get up at any moment and go f- heck off somewhere else. He can't afford that, he needs to keep this guy as close as possible....

Phone Guy contemplated for a few minutes, trying to think of something he could do to entice his employee into a "friendship". He glances over to a poster on the wall of the main four, his eyes landing on Bonnie.

Suddenly, his dial lights up! Realization floods his mind as an ingenious plan swiftly forms into his mind.


"What? Phoney, you want to take us bowling?" Dave scoffed incredulously. It was currently 6:00 pm, the entire Freddy's staff was gathered in front of the Prize Corner. Everyone eyed the phone man suspiciously. He gulped nervously before repeating himself.

"Well, yes Dave." He turned to address everyone. "We've all been working really hard lately. You guys have been doing a good job at making this place good (a lie) and safe (a huge lie). Dave continued to glare at Phone Guy suspiciously as he snuck over to where Old Sport was standing.

Old Sport was standing at the edge of the group, pretending to intently listen to Phone Guy's rambling until he saw a purple blob creeping towards him. "Oh no." Was all he could think to himself before Dave was right next to him. Old Sport gives Dave a weary glance, he did not want to deal with Dave badgering him about killing kids again.

"Why hello there, Old Fuck." Dave whispered right into his ear. Old Sport frowned: "Hello, Dave. Still upset that I didn't join you, I see?" He quipped. "Of course. We could've done great things together, Old Sport." Dave replied. "But!" He interjected, "Now is your chance to redeem yourself." Dave points at Phone Guy, who is STILL rambling about work and bowling.

"I don't know about you, but something fuckin fishy is going on with Phoney tonight." Dave said in a harsh, yet hushed tone. Old Sport nods slightly in agreement: "Yeah, I noticed. I've never heard of a Phone Guy having a night out with co-workers, it's weird." "Exactly!" Dave exclaims, his eyes brighten with delight.

"Old Sport, I have an idea as to why he is doing this." Said Dave. "Oh?" Old Sport whistled. Dave leans into his ear, before murmuring: "He's trying to bribe you." "Wait, what? Really?" Old Sport asked."Yeah, I can tell. Usually, he'll try to win over new employees with tokens or with no suit shifts before I charm them with my affable personality." Dave explained. Dave then winks at Old Sport, cheerfully stating: "It's a game me and this Phone have between us, it's fun!"

"...Wow, I'm honestly surprised, Dave. I thought all Phone Guys hated you." Old Sport generalized dryly. "Naw, sometimes it's a love-hate thing with these guys." Dave replied. "But, that's beside the point, Old Sport." Dave got back on topic. "Phoney clearly is trying to entice you into friendship, and I'm not okay with it. So how about this: Why don't we go out tonight with the boss, pretend to be his friends, and fuck his night up?" Dave offered.

"Hmm I don't know Dave... aren't you trying to "entice me into a friendship" too? Also, the guy may be an ass but even that's a little mean spirited to him." Old Sport pondered, looking off to his side. "Well yeah, Old Sport." Dave agreed. "But, he doesn't have the history that we have. He wasn't the one that you adventured with at the Grand Canyon two years." Dave slyly argued.

Old Sport couldn't help but smile at the mention of the memory. That was one of the most fun Freddy's locations he had ever worked at. The Phone Guy there was awesome, a lot more level-headed than the other Phone Guy's he's had. It was the first time he had seen Dave since that place. Old Sport felt himself shudder at the thought of it. Looking up at Dave, Old Sport made his decision. "Ya know what? F yeah, let's do it m8!"

Dave about near blinded Old Sport with his eyes, which had become nearly as bright as the sun in his excitement. Phone Guy, noticing the sudden brightness, started yelling in Dave and Old Sport's direction. "Hey guys, can you turn the lights down? They're blinding just about everyone in here!"

Dave dimmed his eye lights, before yelling back at Phoney: "Sorry Phone face, I just got too excited for bowling night tonight." "Oh! I-" Phone Guy started to stammer. "W-Well, we have one person who's going, is anyone else interested?" He asked. "...No" The rest of the room stated. Everyone got up and promptly left the restaurant, leaving only Phone Guy, Dave, and Old Sport.

Phone Guy surveyed the pitifully small amount of people in the restaurant. He perks up a little when he realizes that the new employee is still there. "Employee, you're coming with us?" He chirps. "Yeah, I got nothing better to do tonight." Old Sport replies. "Great! That's great!" Phone Guy responds.

After surveying the restaurant one more time, Phone Guy walks over to the fruity colored duo. "Well, we can get going now if you guys would like." He states. "Okay" they both say simultaneously.

They all head out to the company car, Dave and Old Sport strolling behind Phone Guy. The two whisper and giggle to each other on the way to the car, scheming. Tonight was going to be fun.

Hey y'all! Sorry about the lack of activity. My life's been very stressful lately and my depression has been up so it's been hard for me to work on stuff. Good news is that I am back and while requests may be slow, I'll try to get them done when I can! This was a request for JustRandomGirlOnTheInternet

I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll try to get pt.2 out when I can! Have a good day and a good reading!

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