Uh, um, hi! (Peter x Steven)

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Author's notes at the end!

There was a loud clamoring and beeping throughout the lunchroom. It was a cleanly place, not a speck of dirt or crumb to be seen. Lines of rectangular tables filled the room, currently filled elbow to elbow with young, bright, and unusual students. They were all unusual in the fact that everyone of them had a phone for a head.

This was no ordinary school, it was a specialized school. It was the PGDA or "Phone Guy Day Academy" as it was formally known. Freddy Fazbender's Pepperonerie had realized that training their workers for three days before shipping them off was not an efficient way of training, so they decided to create the school so the phone guys could all be trained better.

Despite being a rather strange school, it still had much in common with its normal siblings. There were many fun sports like "Track (the missing children)" and "Breadball". There was arts and crafts, computer lab, music, financial literacy, etc. Every student was forced to participate in all of these at some point.

Speaking of the students, they were fairly similar to normal students as well. They had their clicks and their rivalries. They all stressed about their grades, their drama, and gossip. Some of them even were even stressed out about their crush, which is what Peter was dealing with at the moment.

Peter almost felt himself frown as he stared holes into the small, neat envelope he held in his hands. On the back of the envelope, there was a name written in sloppy cursive: Steven.

Peter glanced nervously between the envelope and it's recipient, who was currently sitting about five phone guys away from him. Even giving him a passing glance made Peter's wires heat up. He'd liked Steven for a couple of months now, chatting him up in the hallway when they had free time. He found they had a lot in common and it felt like sparks flew whenever they were together. Peter felt like something was there, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to say anything. He knew that Steven had a boyfriend before him, before becoming a Phone Guy, and he didn't want to ruin that if he'd ever wanted see him again.

However, it'd never kill you to ask! At least, that's what Jake said. He'd finally worked up the courage to- well, more like his friend Jake had pressured him into writing a letter telling Steven how he really felt. Peter originally would've preferred to talk to him face to face, so Jake suggested that they should practice the confession together. They both soon discovered that Peter was... tongue tied to say the least when it came to confessions.

After awkwardly stumbling and stuttering for ten minutes, the two of them agreed that it'd be better off if Peter wrote a confession to Steven; Peter was always a good writer. He struggled with it for nearly a week, it being the only thing he focused on when he didn't have homework to work on. Peter looked at Steven again, instead holding a more steady gaze this time. After wrestling with it for so long, he'd finally managed to perfect it. All he had to do was go up to Steven and give it to him...

Peter didn't move. He couldn't move. He felt as if he was glued to his seat, his feet feeling chained to the ground by the headmaster and his superintendent, his fear and paranoia taking over him. From a different table about halfway across the lunchroom, Peter heard Jake yell "Quit being a wuss!" before he's muffled by Harry. As much as Jake could be insensitive and brash at times, now he had a good point. Taking a deep breath, Peter gets up and walks over to Steven.

As Peter steps towards him, he realizes two things. First off, that Steven's staring at him now, and has noticed his letter, which is nerve wracking. The second thing being that if he gave Steven the letter right now, then he'd want to talk about it, with everyone around him. "Oh god, confronting my feelings, in front of everyone? No, nope, nopenopenopenope." Peter felt himself go into autopilot. He threw the letter into Steven's lap and ran out of the lunchroom.

"Shoot, I-I can't deal with this! Not with everyone there, staring like that." He thought as he now sprinted down the hallway. He kept sprinting, turning down corridor after corridor until reaching the door of his next class hour: Principles of Advanced Customer Service. Sliding down the wall left of the door, Peter panted dryly to himself: "Well, at least I have this to look forward to. They were going to learn how to comfort lonely children today..."

Peter facepalmed. "God! How could've he been so stupid? Why did he try to give him that during lunch? Why not during passing time or free time when they were, ya know, actually alone?!" He sighed, a feeling of embarrassment overwhelming him: "Oh jeez, and now I've caused a scene. I threw the letter on his lap! In front of our peers! A second year, trying to get with a third year. We'll both be laughing stocks for weeks. Maybe I can get Jake to talk to Harry, have Harry tell Steven that I'm sorry, if he doesn't hate me already."

Rubbing the side of his metallic head, lost in his own thoughts, Peter didn't realize that someone was approaching until he heard them spoke. "Uh, hey." Peter jolted, looking up and seeing none other than Steven, who was waving awkwardly at him. Peter quickly stood up out of nervousness.

"Oh, uh, um. Hi! Steven, uh." Peter stuttered, his tongue feeling more twisted than a vanilla and chocolate ice cream swirl. He anxiously searched about him, trying to find the right words to say but not coming up with anything.

Eventually giving up, Peter droops a little as he mutters an apology: "Steven, I'm sorry about what happened earlier, that must have been very embarrassing for you a-an-and-" "It's okay. I forgive you." Steven said abruptly, a hint of sympathy in his voice. Peter feels a little relieved, and thinks to himself: " Oh thank god. At least I'm not going to lose my friend."

"Actually Peter, I'm glad you did that." Peter looks up at Steven in shock, noticing his suddenly timid body language and the steam rising from the back of his head. Not saying anything for a moment, Steven clears his throat before forcing himself to relax, something he's not very good at. He reaches out and starts holding Peter's hand.

"Look, I'll be honest, I've known you've liked me for awhile." Steven admits, not looking Peter in the dial. Peter feels a little puzzled at the admission, and worries briefly that he was going to be rejected. Steven continues, however.

"Y-You're pretty quiet, you get your work done and you don't defy the company or school rules as much as some other phone guys. You don't talk a lot, unless it's with Jake. You're usually a hard book to read but you open up so much whenever you're around me and it's a-adorable and I'm happy about th-that. Honestly, I feel very comfortable when I'm around you too and I feel like I can be myself. I feel like I can be Steven and not Scott Cawthon. I guess, what I, uh, mean to say is- is that, um, I like you too."

It takes a few moments for the bumbling confession to sink in properly, but as soon as it does Peter can't help but jump into Steven's arms and hug him. Taken aback briefly by the surprise hug, he soon hugs Peter back. Both can feel that their hearts are racing a mile a minute. Their hug is sadly cut short as they hear the school bell go off. Steven glares at the bell as if it were the headmaster before getting out of the hug.

Steven becomes nervous again, his shoulders stiffening, before mumbling an important question: " D-Do you w-want to go t-to a Breadball game with me? Th-This weekend?" Peter awkwardly, yet sincerely responds: "S-S-Sure. I'd love that!"

Peter sees some of his nervousness go away as Steven grabs his hand and squeezes it quickly yet affectionately, before saying goodbye. Waving to each other, with a promise to see each other later, they both went to class.

Peter sat down at his desk, feeling star-struck. He hears a cough to his left. He turns to see his friend Jake giving him a teasing look, Peter's sure that if Jake had eyebrows he'd be waggling them right now. "Soooooo.... I heard you got a hot date with Steven." Jake says loudly for the whole class to hear. Peter dies and slams his head into the table. The whole class whistles and ooos at Peter before their teacher walks in and class begins.

Indeed, PGDA wasn't so different from other schools after all.

Hello! This was another cute request from JustRandomGirlOnTheInternet over on AO3! This was a neat request, I don't usually see a lot of phone guy shippings very often on here! It actually helped me create a new au: Phone Guy Boarding School! I'll write about it more in the AU book when I make it! I hope you guys enjoy this smaller story, have a good day and a good reading!

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