Save Him Ch.3

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Author's notes at the end!
Warning: Attempted execution scene, also possible emotional roller coaster.
Peter is escorted down a bleached white hallway, a crowd of phone guys gathering near the door. The other phone guys stared him down as he went. The whispers, those darn whispers, were buzzing around his head endlessly.

"It's 36_02." "Is that really him?" "I heard his kid got bit." "I heard that Dave got to him." "I heard Dave had help." "I heard it was his brother".

Peter tried to ignore them as they halt outside of a door. Written on the door were the words (Execution Room), in big, bold letters. The effects of those words don't hit Peter, even as the door opens and they start to walk in. Before Peter goes inside, he hears one last whisper.

"...I heard he let his brother and sister die..."

Peter snaps. He struggles against the guards, punching and kicking and clawing frantically as he tries to break free. All of the other rumors were true, at least to some degree. They all were disjointed pieces of the whole truth.

But, he will not sit idly by as someone claims that he didn't love his family, that he left them for dead. That was not his fault. That was all on Jack, not him.

Before he could escape the guards' grasp, he is shoved forcefully into the room. The guards roughly toss him into a wooden chair, and fasten straps onto him.

Peter struggles briefly before he feels something placed onto his head. He pauses, looking at the chair, the straps, everything. It soon hits him: he's going to be electrocuted. They're going to shock him until the circuits in his phone head fries. They were going to shock him until all that was left was a charred, blackened body and molten scrap metal.

Peter starts to fidget and hyperventilate. He was going to die. He was going to die a horrible death, he wasn't going to be able to see his wife or his dog ever again. He wasn't ever going to find his sister or his brother again. In a twisted sense, Peter even feels horrified that he won't ever be tormented by Dave again.

Peter lets out an anguished, animalistic scream. He thrashes hopelessly in the chair, desperate for escape. His panic doesn't stop, even when the door opens and another phone guy is wrestled into the chair next to him. Peter hears him beg.

"No, no! Please, you can't do this to me! I know Dave ruined our Colorado restaurant and that orange guy ditched me, but it wasn't my fault!" The other phone headed man's pleads fall on deaf ears.

They strap the other phone headed man in, despite him causing even more trouble than Peter did. He still kept on pleading: "Please, you can't do this! I helped you! I tipped you guys on where those two would go these past few months, I tracked them! I even helped you guys execute my fellow Phone Guys-" The other phone guy is interrupted by a quiet shushing noise.

The guards leave in a swift, orderly fashion, leaving the two phone guys alone in the room. Overhead, they hear a voice from a microphone near the ceiling. "Shhhhh... Quiet." The voice instructed simply. Peter stays quiet, but the other phone guy still protested.

"Why are you doing this to me? I did everything this company asked me to do! I even-" "QUIET! Steven..." the voice hissed over the microphone. The phone guy, Steven, shrinks into the chair and clams up. The voice continues speaking, uninterrupted.

"I do not have to say why you two are here, for you already know. You two have failed Freddy Fazbender's, and now must suffer the worst of consequences: Death by electrocution. You will die an excruciatingly painful death. When we are done, there will be nothing left of you, nothing to salvage. The company will erase your records, they will silence any living relatives in any way possible. Your deaths, meaningless. Your existence, forgotten."

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