chapter four

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My life just kept getting more and more confusing but I had plenty of time to think about it because the next few months passed very slowly.

It was the same thing every day. Breakfast, counseling, TV, lunch, TV, dinner, check-ups, bed. Rose came by sometimes but since she got her new job she didn't come as often. Today I was getting discharged from the hospital. I was originally supposed to be discharged two weeks ago but couldn't because my stitches in my stomach came loose. Rose was coming to pick me up around twelve on her lunch break so I still had about thirty minutes before she got here.

"So this is your last day huh?" Nora asked

"Yah it truly is a shame I don't have to be here anymore."

"We are all going to miss you. You were fun." Very doubtful

"Yah now who is going to complain about the food and provide daily gossip."

I wasn't a very good patient here

"You can't leave out your arguments with Elizabeth either." I liked Nora she was nice and thinks I'm funnier than I actually am.

"Oh yeah can't leave those out."

"Well, I've got to go, see yah, Mia."

"Bye." A few minutes later my counselor walked in. She was about the last person I would think to say goodbye to me because we don't always agree, of course, she is always right but it's still fun to use bad logic around her "solid facts"

"So Doc seems like our meetings have come to an end."

"Not quite we still have our today session." She said looking smug.

"Come on it's my last day shouldn't I get off for good behavior?" She didn't say anything so I asked: "so what's our session about today?" I get into a sitting position.

"What you are going to do these next couple of days."

"You can't control what I do once I'm out of the hospital though."

"I'm not here to tell you what to do." She said plainly

"Why stray from your usual line of work?" She ignored my comment and went straight to her usual line of questions

"What are you planning on doing?" She starts off every session the same way. And I answer the same way

" Getting a job."

"What job?"

"I don't know I haven't even left the hospital yet!" She changed topics just like I knew she would. Every time I get mad she changes the topic.

"How do you think living with your sister will be?"

These questions are stupid. I could get "mad" again but if I overuse it I'll just sound like a brat.

"Fine, I think I will like it."

"Any hobbies you plan on taking up?"

"Not really." That's not really a #1 priority

"Any romantic life?"

"Nope." That's not even in the top ten

"Any interests?"

Does she think I would develop interests here when my activities are limited to TV and walking around?

"No.," she writes down a few things then says

"Okay, Mia these next few days I advise you to mainly get settled and comfortable and try to find your interests. It is not necessary to up and started right away. Try taking on new hobbies. Express your opinion with the matter at hand and involve yourself with other people." She got up and walked out but before she shut the door she says "see yah later Mia."

I was going to correct her saying she probably wouldn't but decided against it.


So... She is finally getting out of the hospital! Her life won't be so boring anymore. Just a filler chapter nothing big still. But it will change soon! So keep reading. As always...

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