chapter eleven

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*picture of RSA news*
This chapter will be in Adrian's point of view, I don't know why but we'll see how it turns out.

I watched her go into her house and close the door behind her. I hated lying to her. I hoped she would catch me on it but she didn't, no one ever did. Although it wasn't far from the truth it still hurt me.

She's fallen low. She never would have believed that before, but this was all she really had to hold on to, which makes it even worse.

I was on my way back to RSA news. The whole news thing was mainly a cover for what my unit really does.

AN: (just so you guys know RSA is the company that was on trial and same company Rose works for).

I knew most people in my unit would still be there because they always were. There was almost always something to do and if there wasn't then we would all sit around in the lounge. We would talk, laugh, and sit around waiting until there was.

I walked in the doors and found everyone in the lounge.

"Hey, guys." There were fewer people than usual but everyone was still as loud and obnoxious as always.

"Hey, Adrian what do you call a deer with one eye?"


"I have No-eye-deer" Everyone burst out laughing even though he's probably told it more than five times all ready

"That must be the dumbest thing all day." But I still laughed like I hadn't a care in the world. Which was very far from the truth.

"How's Mia doing," Zack asked me.

Zack Mason is someone you don't mess with. He is respected and gets stuff done right. He was Mia's partner when she was still here. It's a widely known fact that Zack has a feeling for Mia. Even she knew it but she pretended she didn't. He knew it wasn't responding to date anyone in our unit, It was just too dangerous.

He was the one who found Mia and brought her to the hospital. He beat himself up for that so badly, we could barely stand to be around him. I feel bad for the guy.

"She's doing great but I think she is catching on." Every one of us wishes Mia knew the truth but we all know it would be better if she didn't, she would just get herself hurt again if she did.

"She's smart. There's not much we can do to stop her." Zack's says

"I still can't believe she used the Ice joke." Someone said to break the tension

"Out of all the things she could remember that had to be one of them." Ice was pretty bugged at that but couldn't help finding some amusement in it.

The door opened and we all turned our heads to see who it was. It was the captain of our unit.

"Hey is Adrian here?"

"Right here," I said raising my hand

"The boss wants to see you."

I walked out and went to the top floor. I knocked on the door and opened it.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I am aware you are associated with Mia, am I right?."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, it was foolish of you."

"I'm sorry, but she doesn't know still."

"I am also aware of that, and while it was dumb, we need to use that factor to our advantage. A little while ago Mia's sister Rose found some unpunished articles on Mia's case file. She brought it to me and she pulled other people attention to it without knowing. Her file is now published all over almost every news site."

"What did she say about us having the information?"

"She accused us of breaking the law and got angry. I told her that you brought her into the hospital and that was how we knew, you saw a story in it and decided to write about it but we denied it so it wasn't ever open to the public."

"I wasn't the one who found her sir, Zack was."

"I know but Mia already knows you so it won't be so suspicious. We don't need her knowing about anyone else here. We are close to solving this and once we find him, I will be very happy to accept Mia with open arms. But for now, she has to stay away from us."

"I understand."

"Ok, you are dismissed."

I walk back into the lounge. Nothing's changed but I didn't feel in the joking mood, I would occasionally glance over at Zack with a sad expression.

This wasn't fair to him. He should be the one to be with Mia. He saved her life for crying out loud! No one asked me what the boss said to me. They knew it wasn't their business if I didn't tell them.

I was so sick of the lies. It was part of our job though. Every one of us did and no one caught us for it. Except for Mia.

I tried to mentally prepare myself for what tomorrow would hold. I had to lie to her some more, and I would hate myself for it.


Everything has changed.

So you now know there is so much more going on than you thought. if you want another chapter in Adrian's point of view then please say so.

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