Chapter 16

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I just want  to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story I really appreciate it : )


Adrian told me he would talk to me later and that he had something going on that couldn't be interrupted and before I could deny he hung up, so now I was just walking around town. I didn't want to go home, I was sick of being there all the time. I didn't know where I was going but there was something comforting about just walking around with no destination in mind. But that comfort soon became not so comfortable when my legs started to give out from the cold. 

I walked back home and saw the lights were on.

"Rose do we have anything to eat?" I asked as I sat on our couch.

"No do you want to order take out?"

"yah what do you want?"

"let's do pizza. Oh and order an extra one this time k?"

I went to the phone to order when a knock on the door interrupted me. "Rose will you get that!" 

I dialed in the number and right as they picked up I saw Adrian walk through the door. I hung up the phone and stomped over to him.

"What are you doing here?" Him talking to me here was fine but not with Rose here. I made it completely clear to him Rose didn't like him but here he was. before I could release my rage upon him Rose stopped me.

"I said he could stay with us for the next while." I couldn't believe this and was now talking through clenched teeth

"Does he not have his own place to stay?"

"I was kicked out," Adrian said

"And you don't have where else to stay?" I was about to go into a spiral of all the other options he had but again Rose stopped me

"Mia, he's fine. He is going to stay with us until he can find a new apartment."

"He has to stay with us?"

"We can't let him be homeless." I knew the likely hood of him actually losing him apartment was next to none and this was another scheme of his or his supervisors. But with Rose backing him up I couldn't do anything but agree.

"Fine but where will he stay?"

"The extra bedroom."

"My office?!"

"It isn't your office until you get off your bottom and get it furnished."

"what if I do that today?"

"You don't have any need for an office."

Adrian chuckled and I remembered he was listening to us.

"what's so funny? That you get to sleep in my unfurnished office?"

"I didn't say anything." He said but there was an amused grin on his face.

"Fine, Rose you can order the pizza, I'm going to get in the shower."

I walked out without a reply from either of them. I turned on the water, stripped my clothes off, and stepped into the steaming shower and felt my body relax. I needed to keep my emotions in check. I couldn't keep freaking out every time someone pissed me off, but I wasn't pissed that he was here I was pissed about why he was here.

 I knew it wasn't because he lost his apartment, it was probably because I freaked him out last week when I told him about the guy who approached me and decided I couldn't be trusted to be alone. Or he was worried about that guy and wanted to make sure I minded my own business. With that thought in mind, I decided not to tell him about my conversation with James today. I could ask him why he was here but there was no way he would tell me so I had to pry it out of him. I also had to put on a good show for Rose.

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