chapter five

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*picture of Mia's outfit*

Rose still wasn't her so I decided to turn on the TV just for the heck of it.
As usual, there was nothing good on so I turned to the news. It was just showing some interview with a CEO of a media company.

It sounded like they were being put on trial for some sort of breaking and entering thing. It was clear that the company did do wrong but something told me they were still going to win.

The company played all their cards right, they said that the reporter did wrong agreeing with the opposing side and the judge making them think they see reason but they also asked for leniency because the reporter just wanted a good story. 

If they kept pursuing that case they were going to win. That was just how our justice system works. They switched to commercials and I caught myself wanting to see how it turns out. But just then Rose walks through the door carrying some bags

"So how's it feel to finally be free?" She sits down on the couch and drops her stuff at her feet.

"I wouldn't know because you took so long to get here."

"Oh shush your mouth I had things to do." She says and I take a look at the bags next to her feet

"Like shopping for your clothes?" She shot me a glare and said

"No, I was shopping for 'your' clothes. You don't want to walk out of here in your hospital clothes."

"What'd you get me?" I ask as she starts pulling my clothes out of the bag.

"Isn't it cute?" She says but I just have to stare at her.

"You-Got-Me-A-skirt, "I said as I started to question the stability of my sister's line of thinking.

"Yah well.. while I was going through your stuff I noticed you didn't have hardly any skirts or dresses so I pick this up for you." She said

"You went through my stuff?" I said and she seemed to realize she slipped up.

" I mean when they dropped your stuff off at the house I just wanted to see what I had to deal with, and I must admit we have a lot of work to do when we get back home."

"What's wrong with my wardrobe?" I asked her defensively.

"Mia you only have jeans and t-shirts. You must have looked like a bum while I was gone."

"Well I don't really remember what was going on in my head at the time so I cannot be blamed," I said smiling at her. It was very hard to stay mad at Rose (even when she insults your style and goes through your stuff) she just has such an upbeat enjoyable personality, it makes you wonder why you were even mad at her in the first place.

"Well unless you want to leave here in that," she eyes my hospital.scrapes "then I suggest you go put on this beautiful outfit I have so generously bought you."

"Fine no need to get all haughty," I mutter and she just smiles which, of course, made me smile in return.

I put it on.

It was cute, I'll admit that. It was a short maroon skirt with a long sleeve black shirt. But seriously who wears a freaking skirt in Boston. It's always wet and cold. But hey, you gotta love Boston.

After I finished throwing myself a little pity party in the bathroom, I went back to my room where Rose was waiting for me

"See it's way cute and It looks good on you."


Rose was the one who was getting me discharged and, with luck, it didn't take more than ten minutes. I was thankful it wasn't raining like it usually was in late September, but it was still cold and the skirt wasn't helping.

We started to walk around the parking lot trying to find Rose's car

"Why didn't you park closer to the building?" I asked rose because my legs were freaking cold!

"There weren't any spots open Mia" she was irritated at me but I didn't really care that much.

"I saw some right next to the door."

"Those are patient pick-up/ drop-off spots, Mia."

Rose did this thing where she would say my name at the end of her sentences when she was trying to explain something obvious or when she was irritated with me. I found it hilarious. She did not.

"I'm a patient aren't I?"

"Patients who can't walk across the parking lot to get to their car."

"Rose, I am a skirt in like 10° weather."

"Stop your bawling, you'll be fine"

"Will I though? What if I get frostbite or pneumonia or something because you didn't park closer to the building?"

"Then you can use the patient pick-up/ drop-off spots."

We walked around for a little while longer and then we finally found it.

"Wow." Was all I was able to say as I looked at her car. It was a scarlet red Chevy, and it was beautiful.

"You like?" She said smiling at it tooand We got in.

"Where'd you get ahold of this?" I said putting my feet on the dashboard, trying to fully appreciate riding in this beauty.

She smacked me across the head.

"Ow!" I yelled at her

"It's a company car. And If I ever see you doing that..." She says pointing at the dashboard. "again your going to get it worse."

"Okay, I get it. No need to get all dramatic with me."

For the rest of the car ride, she ended up telling me all about her job and how she loved it, even though I've already heard it too many times.

"Oh and there is this guy there that is so hot," Rose said still on the topic of her job

Ok, this was new.

"Really? Do you like him?" I said giving her the "eyebrows"

"No, definitely not."

"What? What's wrong with him?" I said wondering why she so easily turned him down

"Nothing I only talk to him occasionally and only about work stuff."

"Is he attracted to you?" If he was there was no surprise there. Rose was extremely beautiful. It was hard for guys not to like her.




"Just no? Nothing else. Not an "I don't think so" just no?" I asked surprised.

"He just isn't. There is nothing else to say."

"Does he not like you?"

"No he is actually really nice, a little bit cocky, but nice. Work employees can just be work employee's without there being anything else Mia."

"Even a hot one?" I asked teasingly

"Even a hot one." She smiled

"What's his name?"

"Adrian Foster." She said still smiling but mine diminished

"Adrian," I repeated to myself...... Why did that name sound familiar?

She is finally out! Just another filler chapter but don't worry something's coming! Mabey in the next chapter may be in the one after. Who knows. I guess we'll see.

(Please comment if you find a grammar issue)

Who is Adrian? And what will he do next?
Haha JK
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