Chapter 13: happy birthday

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It was now February,
Which meant it was my birthday
I turn 17 today on February 14th
Yes my birthday is on the most stupidest holiday valentines
I rolled my eyes at the thought getting ready I walked downstairs to be greeted by my father giving me a smile

"Happy birthday Cora" he said handing me a red heart shaped velvet box I opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace my eyes widened by the gleaming diamonds

"Thanks father, I love it" I smiled

"Cora my sweet girl happy birthday" my mother kissed my cheek giving me a hug
walking into the dining room seeing Walburga abraxas Edith tom and Lestrange I turned to give my mother a 'what are they doing here' look she just smiled and took a seat at the table

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Walburga ran towards me giving me a tight hug I couldn't breathe

"Thanks but I can't breathe" I said she laughed pulling away dragging me to sit next to her

"Happy birthday Cora" abraxas said plainly taking a sip of juice

"Remember that one time I caught Malfoy and rosier doing it in the library" Lestrange said out of nowhere making me cringe

"Oh please i just want to get through this without throwing up in my mouth" I said pushing away my plate faking a smile
Tom let out a laugh after a while I forgot he was even here he was so quiet

"So what are we doing for your birthday?" Walburga Asked

"Having a party?" I said

"That's later though what about now" she said

"Hogsmeade?" I asked

"YESS!" She exclaimed clapping excitedly I laughed


"Okay you guys bought the entire store can we leave now I want ice cream"
Lestrange whined

"Yeah" I said walking out the store handing him my bags which I made him carry the entire time
We walked into the ice cream shop I ordered a vanilla ice cream

"basic" Tom said looking at me

"And chocolate isn't?" I raised my brow
He laughed nudging me softly

"abraxas can we please go back to your house I can't stand looking at that looking at her she wants you so bad" I heard Edith say quietly to abraxas
"I can you you" I say glaring at her

"You can look at him all you want it doesn't make him want you" she spits

"I never said I wanted him back" I shrug

She pulled my necklace off my neck making all the diamonds break

My eyes widened by her actions

"What the hell!" I yelled fully angered I pulled out my wand casting a jinx on her which made her fly back into the stone wall she let out a cry

"What the hell" Walburga said grabbing my arm

"She broke my bloody necklace" I yelled

"I could've fixed it" tom said running his hand through his hair "you didn't have to lash out like that" he said shaking his head  I  apparated back home leaving them behind just a few seconds i was in my house running upstairs I ripped all of my clothes off having another break down I couldn't breathe I wanted to finish the job I wanted to murder her and I don't know why after screaming into my pillow I cried out of frustration feeling my tears burn my skin i walked to my mirror looking at myself who was this person it wasn't even me I don't know her I thought before I knew it I punched the mirror making it shatter into a million pieces I was crying my hand was bleeding the pain hurted like hell I knew it was a very deep cut my door opened I turned to see Tom looking shocked

"Bloody hell" he said
Rushing towards me dragging me into my bathroom fixing my hand he cast a couple of healing charms which healed the cut

"Why did you do that" he asked starring at me

"I honestly don't know" I said my voice raspy from crying and screaming
We both just realized that I was naked and the only thing I had on was my under clothes he looked away feeling the awkward tension I grabbed my black robe putting it on and walking to my bed sitting down grabbing a fire whiskey I hid under my bed drinking it

"Now your drinking?" He scoffed sitting next to me
I looked at his eyes my eyes flickered to his lips I licked my lips leaning in he didn't move he stood still my lips crashed onto his he kissed me back and we stood there kissing for a couple of seconds I pushed myself onto his lap making out with him he pulled the robe off of me kissing my neck
One thing led to another...

I walked downstairs into the ballroom before I could open the door someone pulled my arm I turned to see lestrange wearing a suit he looked handsome might I add holding a drink in his hand

"Lestrange" I said
He smirked looking me up and down

"You Look stunning" he grabbed my arm linking it with his we walked into the ballroom together all eyes on us everyone rushing towards me wishing me a happy birthday and drowning me with compliments I walked towards Walburga she was leaned against the wall downing what looked to be Alcoholic
"Why so glum?" I asked

"What I am so happy right now  my best friend had sex with the guy I have a crush on why would i ever be glum" she said sarcastically

"How did yo-"

"Lock your door next time" she said walking away from me
I was left there feeling bad
I poured myself a drink
Downing it fast
"Hey" Tom said I looked at him awkwardly

"Hi" I said looking anywhere but him abraxas walked towards us thank Merlin
"You look beautiful Cora" he smiled handing me a box

"What is this" I said grabbing it

"A present" he said
I opened it to see diamond earrings
I looked at him smiling

I smiled "thank you" I hugged him

"Let me put them on you" He put them on my ears

"Stunning as ever" he said winking grabbing a drink

"Hey abraxas I am sorry for beating your girlfriend" I laughed he laughed to

"She's not my girlfriend.. anymore" he said
I looked at him for a few seconds then I looked at Tom
Walking away from them
Seeing Walburga talking to one of the Slytherin girls I walked up to them as soon as Walburga saw me she stopped talking

"Hey guys" I said Walburga looked down at her feet while the other girl said happy birthday to me

"What do you want Cordelia?" Walburga Asked harshly
I was taken back by her


"Don't you have someone to snog or something?" she said rolling her eyes

"It's not my fault you're so insecure" I said

"And I'm sure it's not your fault you're so conceited" Walburga said back


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