Chapter 20

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Kiera's POV

When I woke the next day, I felt refreshed. I hopped out of bed and got ready for the day.

I went to go look for Adonis so I could tell him that I would go on a date with him, but ran into Aries.

"Oh hey Aries, do you know where Adonis is?", I questioned suddenly feeling hungry.

"Um yea he's in his office but now's not the right time.", he said looking uneasy.

"Why? What's going on?", taking suspicion and walking past him.

"Nothing! How about you go in the kitchen? I can hear your stomach growling.", he quickly caught up to me with his vampire speed and tried to block me.

"Ugh fine I'll go.", starting to walk away then quickly turning and running to his office.

I walked in and saw the blonde chick from the restaurant pressed up against him. Then I remembered what he told me she did and next thing you know I saw red.

Someone pulled me off but I kicked her one good time. She launched at me showing her fangs and all until Adonis blocked her.

"Aye chill! Now I will not have this type of disorder in my kingdom! We clear?", he yelled at both of us revealing his fangs and red eyes.

"Crystal", we both said.

"I need you to leave.", not knowing who he was talking to, I began to walk out.

"Not you Kiera. Charlene.", he clarified and went behind his desk.

"That's fine. I got all the information I need.", she looked at me and smirked.

Once the door was closed and it was just him and I in the room, I was lowkey scared. Number 1: He yelled at me and I don't like being yelled at. Number 2: He's oddly calm. Number 3: He's a VAMPIRE that could kill me any second! I'm doomed.

"Have a seat Kiera.", I sat down hesitantly.

"Why did you come into my office without my permission then proceeded to cause a disruption and nearly destroy it?", he looked me dead in my eyes while sipping his glass of whiskey.

"I-I wanted to come and tell you that I-I would like to go on that date, but I guess now there will be no date. And when I saw her all up on you like that remembering what you had told me she did to, just set me off.", I squirmed under his piercing gaze.

He just sat there not saying a word . Then, he suddenly got up and walked over to me.

"Get up.", he said and I did exactly that because I learned my lesson about making him mad.

"Even though what you did was uncalled for, I like how you care about me.", he hugged me, "And another thing, knock before you come in please."

"Yea sorry about that, I...", my stomach loudly growled making me step away in embarrassment.

"Looks like we need to get you some food.", he laughed and followed me out the door.

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