Chapter 21

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Aloni's POV

I woke up with the worst back pain ever. I rolled over and saw Rayne but not Aries.

"I wonder where he is?", I thought and slowly got out of bed into the en-suite to take a shower.

When I got out, I stood in the mirror looking at how fast my stomach is growing. I did read in a fictional book that vampire babies grow faster than normal human babies. Which means in about three months, I should be due.

While putting on my clothes, I remembered that I'm a teacher and I didn't call out or anything. I hurried up in the bathroom, walked out to find Rayne still sleeping and went on a search to find Aries.

"Aries!", I found him in the living room.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?", he muted the TV.

"What's wrong is that I may have lost my job because I completely forgot about my job as a teacher that is two hours away from here.", I started to cry. Ugh pregnancy hormones!

"Aww baby don't cry. I been called and told them that you were out on medical leave.", he reassured me.

"Thank you because I completely forgot.", I laughed and dried my tears.

"Yeah I knew you would.", he said staring at me.

"What?", I asked.

"Nothing I just can't believe that your're so cool about all of this drama going on. Even stepping in and raising my child.", he confessed, holding my hand.

"Well yeah that's just who I am and your definitely not like the vampires I read in books.", I shuddered just thinking about them.

"What do you mean?", he asked confused.

"In most books that I read, the vampires are evil and use girls as their own personal slaves. They even auction them off like how gross is that?", I told him.

"Yeah I do know several guys that do that, but I don't hang around them to much because of what they do to girls.", he said.


Later on that day I was helping Rayne finish her homework when I got a text from an  unknown number saying "Don't think that just because you moved to his kingdom, that I'm not still watching ;)"

As soon as I read the message I went to Adonis's office and seeing Kiera walking there also.

"Did you get the text too?", she asked looking paranoid.

"Yea, I...", the door opened showing Adonis standing at the door and letting us in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we both got a message from an unknown number saying this.", Kiera showed them.

They read it, then looked at each other like they were talking through their minds.

"Pack up. Ya'll leaving in an hour.", Adonis stated then went back to talking to Aries.

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