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Harley's pov

"Carter where are we going?" I ask as he makes a wrong turn.

"To Shawn, Cam and Taylor's place" he responds.


We arrive at their apartment and Carter opens the car door.

"Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome" Carter smiles.

As I'm walking, I accidentally trip over a stone.

I hear a crack when I hit the ground.

"Ouch" I mumble.

"Oh my god, Harley are you okay?" Carter rushes to my side.

"I think so, it's just my foot really hurts." I answer.

"Here, I'll carry you inside" he says.

He picks me up bridal style and walks to the door.

He knocks and Shawn opens it.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Shawn asks.

"Harley hurt her foot and we have news to tell you guys" Carter smiles.

Shawn steps aside to let us in. Carter makes his way in and my foot hits the door frame.

"Eeehh" I wince in pain.

"I'm so sorry Harley" Carter apologizes.

He lays me down on the couch.

Taylor and Cam enter the room as Shawn closes the door.

A tear threatens to escape my eye when I see Cam but I hold it in.

"Cam go get an ice pack" Shawn instructs.

"What happened?" Taylor questions.

"Harley tripped and hurt herself " Carter answers.

"How bad does it hurt?" Taylor asks.

"Pretty bad" I say.

"We should probably take you to get it checked out" Shawn suggests.

"Yeah I agree" Carter sits down next to me.

Cam returns with an ice pack and hands it to Shawn.

Shawn places it on my right foot.

I hold in a scream by biting lips.

"Let's go to the hospital"


Carter sits me down on a chair as Taylor, Shawn and Cam sign me in.

"She said it'll be 10 minutes until they get you back there and you can bring two people with you" Shawn says while taking his seat.

I fiddle with Carter's fingers as we wait.

"Oh I forgot. I wanted to tell you guys that I have a new girl friend" Carter grins.

"Really? Who?" Taylor asks.

"Harley" Carter kisses my cheek causing me to blush.

Before I know it, the nurse is calling my name.

Carter and Taylor stand up. Carter picks me up and we follow the nurse into a room.

Carter places me onto the bed and sits next to me. Taylor sits down in a spare chair.

The nurse asks me a few questions about how I hurt myself.

She takes me to get ex rays in a wheel chair.

I put my foot under the machine and it does it's thing.

The nurse rolls me back into the room,

"Doctor Jones will be in in a few minutes" she closes the door.

"I'm bored" Taylor stands up and walks across the room.

"Tay what are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm bored" he responds.

He pulls a plastic glove out of a box. He blows it up.

"Nice to meet you" Taylor shakes my hand with the inflated glove.

"Hello Miss Harley" the doctor walks in.

"Hi" I greet him.

"It appears as if you have broken your leg. It will need to be casted. What color would you like?" He says.

"Carter you choose" I say.

"Blue, to match your eyes" Carter smiles.

"Blue it is" the doctor speaks.

He puts the wrap up to my shin. He allows it to harden into a cast.

"You will have to be in a wheel chair for a week. You can use crutches the remaining 2 weeks and you can not get the cast wet. I suggest you take a bath with your leg out of the tub or take a sponge bath" the doctor says.

"Can I borrow a permeant marker doc" Carter asks.

"Sure" he hands Carter a sharpie.

He pops the cap off and starts to mark on my cast.

"Don't look yet" Carter smiles.

I look away.

"All done. You can look." Carter returns the sharpie to the doctor.

'∞property of Carter∞ ' is written in big letters.

"Hehehe" I giggle.

"Now you're my property for the next 3 weeks." Carter smirks.

He is... Perfection ( carter reynolds fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now