Snape's POV
Ms. Smith kissed Malfoy.. Why am I jealous, I have to contain myself... "Don't let it happen again, Ms. Smith..." I knew she could hear the disappointment in my voice because she looked at me with a concerned look. She must be cautious after the dream she had, but I knew she regretted kissing Malfoy as soon as she did it. They went to go sit down but I didn't know why I was jealous, she is a student. But she reminds me of Lily, her eyes.. she laughs like her too. I don't like being reminded of Lily but.. I wish I wasn't hard to love. That sounds all sappy and I don't seem like the type, but I miss the feeling of love. But I shouldn't be thinking about that with a student, it is ridiculous and the dream was probably a one time thing because she just met me.
When Monday came around me and Ms. Smith started our private lessons, and I can't look into her eyes... there too green, and beautiful, just like her.
"So?" she said
"What? sorry." I said
"Professor Snape not paying attention? What a shocker." She laughed, that damn laugh
"What were you going to ask, Smith?" I said grouchily
"I mix Ashwinder Eggs, Rose Thorns, Peppermint, Powdered Moonstone, and Pearl Dust to make love potion and for the antidote you mix Wiggentree twigs, Castor oil, and extract of Gurdyroot." she said
"That is correct, did you read that or?"
"I read it a while ago at Beauxbatons. They had so many books and I loved reading so.. yeah" She smiled, god dammit... I was staring at this point.
"Professor are you okay?" she asked
"Yes, I am perfectly fine. Back to studying it, let me know when your done Ms. Smith."
"Yes, Professor." She smiled, she hesitated at Professor. She's so beautiful, dammit stop that Severus. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked
"I am perfectly fine, Ms. Smith. Why do you ask?"
"You just seem unfocused and.." she slowly drifted off
"And what, Smith?" I asked
"Nothing, never mind. I'll just get back to studying... Volubilis Potion." she smiled slightly
After our session she left, a couple minutes later I heard a scream. I ran out the room, and ran to where the scream was. I saw 3 boys, Blaze, Crabbe, Goyle. Surrounding a fellow Slytherin, I recognized the (h/c) hair, it was Ms. Smith, she was laying there in her tank top and skirt, nothing else. They had used Petrificus Totalus on her, she lied there frozen... I asked, "What is going on here?!"
"We were just having a little fun." Blaze said. "She isn't anything to fuss over."
"50 Points from Slytherin! And a months detention, all of you! Go to Dumbledore's office, NOW!" I yelled, they all scattered away to Dumbledore's office. I rolled Smith to face me, there were tears down her face and my dark eyes met her beautiful greens ones. "I'm so sorry, I feel like this is my fault. You could've safe in your dorm after dinner." her eyes told me it wasn't my fault... I picked her up and carried her to Madam Pomfrey.
"What happened here?" she asked
"3 boys used Petrificus Totalus on her, but she seems beaten up pretty bad."
"There's nothing we do about that but I can treat the other wounds. She should be up tomorrow since they aren't very strong boys."
"Let me know when she is awake, please."
"I'll do you one better, I will get you before she is up."
"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey." I said as I left and headed up to Dumbledore's office. "These boys said you sent them here, for what reason, Severus?" he asked
"They used Petrificus Totalus on Ms. Smith and had her damn near undressed fully!"
"Is that so?" He looked at the boys and they just looked at the ground
"I already gave them a months detention. But if you want to punish them, I would have no problem with it." and he nodded and said "It seems you have already punished them, you boys are dismissed."
"She is in the infirmary, with Madam Pomfrey, should be up tomorrow."
"You have taken a liking to this girl, Severus?" he smiled that cheeky smile he always does
"N-no! Professor Dumbledore! She is a student, that is ridiculous." I slightly laughed, me laughing is rare. So it was a really funny joke he made... Why am I getting nervous about this..
"Mm, okay Severus. It's late you should get to bed."
The next two days went by quick, she should've been awake by now. I was grading papers and it was late, Madam Pomfrey came into my classroom and said "She is up, she is roaming the halls for you. You better find her.
I walked around the halls and finally found her
"Professor Snape, I'm sorry..."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Smith."
"Alright, I-"
"Tell me what happened." I demanded
"I was walking back to my dorm and suddenly they emerged from around the corner and I just thought 'oh their probably taking a late night walk' until they pulled their wands out and pointed them at me, I screamed and they used Petrificus Totalus on me. Then they took my robes, shirt, and leggings off, they kicked me and I was afraid they were going to... yeah, but then you came, and saved me."
"Ms. Smith, I am so terribly sorry.." I said
"Thank you, for saving me.." She said quietly, she was tearing up and almost cried. "I should get to bed, it is very late. Thank you again."
"Of course, Ms. Smith" I started to walk off and she said "Do you want to still do tutoring after Dinner?" I sighed, we will start during Christmas break if you stay, if not we will start after. It is best"
She smiled slightly and nodded "Thank you, Professor." and I nodded back, I'm going to think about her smiling now, she smiled through pain, how? I feel awful... maybe Dumbledore was right.. maybe I have taken a liking to her...
End of Chapter
Thanks for writing, have a good day/night :)

Hard to Love (Reader x Severus Snape) COMPLETED
RomanceYou are a 5th year at Hogwarts. Your name is Erin Smith and you have just moved from France and it is the summer. You meet a friend named Hermione Granger and found out she goes to Hogwarts as well! you spend time with her and her other 2 friends Ha...