Chapter 21: Close End

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Erin's POV

After seeing the process with Tanner and Harry, I'm kind of scarred. I'm also kind of sad, only 1 more week of school, I also joined the Order of the Phoenix, so I'll get to see Severus more often, which is good. Finals are over and basically every class is just a study hall, except Snape.

He thinks it's okay to question me about potions from 6th year classes, sometimes 7th.

I stayed after class today because it was before lunch and people usually don't care where you are during lunch

"Professor, I'm pretty sure you told me to act like a 5th year if I want to stay one? If I misheard please tell me." I said politely

"You heard me correct, I just want to see how much you know." He said

"Why don't you just ask to see me after class? You can see how much I know then." I chuckled

"I don't want to waste any spare time for you." He said rudely

"Hey, Severus.. what's wrong? You're being distant.." I said softly

"You! you are what's wrong!" he yelled

"Severus.. I'm sorry." I said

"Just leave... Please.."

"Whatever.." I said and grabbed my bag, as I was about to leave I heard

'You know the spell to hurt him... you know it... use it, Erin.'

I fell to the ground, grabbing my head

"Stop It! Get out!" I yelled

Severus ran over and held me, "Just fend him off, you can do it..."

"Occlumency..." I said quietly...

"Come on, Erin..." he said

'He told you to leave... just join me and you can make him suffer for the heartbreak he has done to you..'

"Occlumency!" I yelled, then I fainted

Severus's POV

Erin had passed out... I can tell she's been stressed about the year ending, and her having to leave me... I feel bad about it, but the dark lord needs me... I hate it as much as she does...

I picked her up and carried to Madam Pomfrey

"Hey, got your favourite patient here, you know who got into her mind and she fainted after fighting him off."

"Great, just lay her on the bed." she said

I did so and sat in the chair by her bed

"She is the only one who faints, her brothers don't. I assume her brothers are on their way for the headache." I said

About 10 minutes later, Tanner and Harry walked in

"Madam Pomfrey," Mr. Smith said in his deep voice "same thing as always, sorry to bother you."

Mr. Smith made eye contact with me and walked over to the bed and saw Erin

"Is she okay?!" he asked in a panic

"Whenever he gets into her mind, she passes out, she has to be exhausted from constantly fending him off, when she let her guard down, it tired her out." I said

"But she is going to be alright? right?" Mr. Potter asked

"She will be alright, Potter." I said in a stern voice

Madam Pomfrey gave them something for their headache and they left

I stayed in the hospital wing all night waiting for her to wake up, I had Albus teach my classes so I could keep and eye on her, only 7 days remained in the school year... She hadn't woke up in 4

After 4 days of her not waking up, I got worried. But something happened, she woke...

Erin's POV

"huh... Sev.. Severus? What happened?" I asked, my voice raspy

"You fainted after You Know Who got into your mind... it's been 4 days.." he said

"You stayed here... with me? After telling me to leave you alone.." I said softly

"I still care about you, Erin... I was just mad.. I don't want to leave you either.. never..." he said

"There is only 3 days left... " I said

"Yeah... It's Friday.. so once you're released, you can stay with me for the weekend if you want.."

"I'd love that.. let's hope she let's me go soon.." I smiled

He was holding my hand, he looked so tired, like he hadn't slept in days.. he was probably waiting for me to wake up

"Why was I out so long..." I asked

"I don't know, but hopefully it doesn't happen again.." Severus said

We heard the door open and he let go of my hand..

It was Madam Pomfrey and my brothers

"Ah, she is awake, is that like a triplet sensing thing?" she chuckled

"Must be, Madam Pomfrey." Harry smiled

"How are you?" Tanner asked

"I've been better, but I'm fine." I said

"Well, you should stand up and see how your legs are functioning. You haven't been out of bed in 4 days, it might be wobbly." Madam Pomfrey said

I got up and felt fine, I tried to take a step and instantly fell... into Severus's arms... great

"I-I'm so sorry, Professor." I said as he helped me up onto the bed again.

"It's alright, Smith. You couldn't help it." he said

"Well practice walking and you can be dismissed." Madam Pomfrey said, she then left with my brothers.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you... you were right there and.." I was cut off by him kissing me

"It's fine, stop apologizing.." he said

He kissed me again, very deeply.

"I promise to never hurt you again... I regretted it as soon as I told you to leave.."

"It's fine, Severus..."

"I love you, Erin."

"I love you too." I smiled and pecked a kiss

After an hour of trying to walk.. I finally got it down. I decided before going to Severus's room, I would pack some stuff up and see my mum, she probably hasn't had time to visit me because of class

after an hour of packing, I went down to my mum's office

"Hey mum..." I walked in

"Sweetie... how are you.."

"I'm fine now, mum..."

"I'm afraid I have bad news.. about the summer.." she said

"What is it?" I asked

"You'll have to stay with Remus.. until I can find a good home for both of us.. I'll be staying here. But students can't live here in summers, I'm sorry, Erin.."

"It's fine mum..." I said, lying...

"Tanner and Harry will be staying with Remus as well... Please thank him for letting you stay with him.." she said

"I will.. see you later, mum.." I said and walked off, sort of angry...

I walk into Severus's room, he was asleep. I crawled in the bed beside him... I don't want this year to end.. I'll miss him too much...

End Of Chapter. Hope you guys have a great day/night.

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