Chapter 12: Christmas Pt. 1

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Erin's POV

Today is Christmas, I'm excited. I woke up Kaylee

"KAYLEE, IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" I exclaimed

"Don't bloody yell, Rin. I'm tired."

"I don't care, it's Christmas and we need to go to celebrate with friends. Now."

"Let me shower, first."

"Alrighty, hurry though."

"No" she walked into the bathroom

I had already taken a shower, we were gonna go to Hermione's room after Kaylee got done showering. I heard a knock on the door and opened it

"Draco, hey." I hugged him

He hugged me back and said "Hello, Merry Christmas. Or whatever you celebrate."

"I haven't celebrated Christmas in a while, today is my first."

"Well, Rin. I got you a gift and I know everyone got everyone gifts, but I saw this in the muggle world and I heard you talking about it with ." Her nervously smiled at me and handed me the gift (Note the gift in the picture is Draco's to Erin.)

I opened the gift and I saw a base ball cap with the New York Yankee's on it. Jim never let me have hats or anything of the sort, I was so happy, pretty sure it's my first hat. I looked at Draco and teared up. I kissed his cheek and said "Thank you, to be honest, I think this is my first ever hat, and it's green." I chuckled and wiped my few tears away

"Really? That's weird. Well I'm glad to be your first." He smiled

"I got you two as well because the first one was kind of for the quidditch team, I hope you do like it. I got them for the entire team, but since your the seeker, yours is special."

"I'm sure whatever they are, I'll love them."


I heard her yell, "Piss off! I'm almost done!"

"She isn't a morning person I assume?" He asked

"You assumed right." I laughed

10 minutes later she came out dressed and in full makeup, I felt ugly compared to her because she's so pretty and I'm an ogre... she walked out of the room and I turned to Draco after I made sure she was out of hearing range.

"Do you think she's prettier than me Draco?"

He looked at me with disbelief and said "You're joking right?"

"No? Just answer me."

"Of course not," he said lowly, "you're dumb to think that she is. Someone wearing that much makeup is unattractive... It is just cakey." He chuckled he we started walking again

We made our way to Hermione's room, she has a tiny tree in her room where we put all of our gifts. We all opened our gifts.

I got Draco and quidditch jersey that said Malfoy and his favourite number on it, along with a book of the life of the most famous quidditch player. He loved it

I got Ron, Ginny, and the twins a bunch of chocolate, but they weren't here to get it.

I bought Hermione how to mix potions properly book and a necklace with her name on it

I got Harry a new broom with heritance that my parents gave me and a ring with his name on it, with a ward on it to protect him from anything, but he doesn't know that.

I got Kaylee sour patch kids from the muggle world and we got each other Bracelets with BFF on it, they light up whatever color either of us are thinking. It's sweet.

They crew (I'm sorry XD) got me a Yankee sweatshirt for weekends whenever we aren't doing anything, a candle that smelled like home, all flavored jellybeans, quidditch book, a bunch of candy (From the Weasley's obviously) and sour patch kids, a Yankee's T-shirt jersey, and a Football Jersey that said "Smith 21" On the back. I thanked all of them and I was so grateful for every gift I got. They headed to the party in the Slytherin common room and I went to my moms office

Snape was in there and saw me "Ms. Smith, I was just dropping off a gift for your mother."


"Honey, I was wondering when I'd finally see you today!" She said happily

"Sorry, I was really busy and wanted to get some of the stuff over with. I can only stay for a few minutes." I said

"I will see you tomorrow, Smith." he nodded at me and left

"Mum." I smiled

"What?" she asked

"Do you have a crush on Snape?"

"No! If anything, it's that professor Lupin." (NOTE! This kind of follows the story line of Harry Potter, but Remus Lupin is still a professor in this version, don't get pissy with me, okay?)

"Mum!" I laughed

"Well," she said handing me a gift, "here, it's from your parents. For when you were 16 on Christmas. There is another for you from me."

I opened the gift, there was a locket, I opened it and it was me, and my mum holding me. Bobbie, holding me for the first time, and on the other side was my birth mum holding me too, and it made me tear up.

"They knew they were going to die, and that was the first time I held you. I was so happy, I thought of having a child of my own. But, Jim said no. When your mum asked me the question of taking care of you if you made it, I was shocked, and planned running away if you were alive. Because Jim would flip, but you were sent to your grandma's before she thought Hogwarts would be best for you."

"Thank you mum.." I hugged her and let go, she handed me another present.

I started opening it and it was a ring with my name on it, with my quidditch number. I didn't think she focused on me playing, since it was "dangerous". "Thank you so much, I love it, so much."

"No problem hon." She smiled

I handed her a gift, I had got her the necklace she wanted, the one that said "I love you" in a hundred different languages

"Honey, this is beautiful." she smiled

"Like you didn't know you were going to get it." I smiled

"I didn't think you would. But thank you."

Me and mum talked about her crush on Remus, and talked about how my Christmas has been so far. I made my way to Snape's office. I was going to give him his gift. Hopefully he accepts it and likes it...

End of Chapter!

Hey guys! thanks for reading, have a great day/night :)

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