Chapter 16: The Song

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Erin's POV

I woke up in the infirmary.. why was I here?

"Rin! You're awake!" Hermione said

"What happened." I looked over at Harry who was still asleep... Oh no.. I wonder what has happened to Tanner... hopefully nothing bad

"You said you heard voices and passed out, Professor Snape saw you and Harry on the ground and rushed you here. He knows what's happening, I think Harry does too because he just doesn't pass out without saying anything." she said

"Can you get me my owl? I need to write to my brother to see if he's okay... It must've happened to him too..." I asked

"Of course, I'll be right back." She said as she scurried off

A couple minutes went by and Harry woke up

"Erin?" he said


"Did you hear his voice too?..." He asked

"I heard a voice... It told me to join him... Who is him?" I asked

"Voldemort..." he said quietly but I could hear him

"Ah, the famous Tom Riddle I've heard about." I chuckled slightly

"Are you trying to anger him?" he laughed

"I don't really care, he won't get to me... I know I'm strong enough.."

"You know, Snape is going to teach us Occlumency." he said

Oh great, more time with the dude who ignored me after shagging, that is fantastic. "Oh, why can't it be someone else?"

"He might be the only one who knows it.." he said

Hermione walked in with my owl, I was writing while waiting and talking to Harry, so my letter was done.

Dear Tanner,

I need to know you're okay, if you heard a voice, you need to be here at Hogwarts immediately. There is someone here who can help us, we need it. I know you're strong enough to resist until you get here. Please be safe, stop by to see mom, she'd be happy to see you.

Love, Rinny.

I know our mother couldn't keep me at first.. but I'm glad I came back, because Tanner and I would have gave in. When she told me she took me in at first.. it was only me.. why couldn't she.. I'm not gonna question it. I really hope he is okay...

And shit, I realized it was 2 days away from New Years.. I hope Tanner gets here before then...

I sent the letter and Harry and I got dismissed from the infirmary, before we left I said

"Madam Pomfrey, you might wanna reserve that bed for me from now on." I laughed

"Will do, Smith." she chuckled

We all walked out, I should check in on my mom, and thank Snape...

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go check in on my mum. She's probably worried sick since she hasn't heard from me." I said

"Alright, just stop by Draco's room, that's where we'll be." Hermione said

"Alright, see ya." I said and we both parted ways.

I walked to my mum's classroom, she was with Remus. I didn't care if he knew, I told her what happened. We talked till around 7 Pm, I went back to my room, Kaylee wasn't in there and I decided to grab my guitar and walk down to the abandon hallway and play, I loved when the moonlight hit me.. it was peaceful.. and relaxing. I sat down against the wall and held my guitar. I started to sing a muggle song that I remember Brandon playing whenever he was sad. (Note! I do not own this song, it is sung by Billie Eilish and the video what I imagine Erin sounds like singing, also. Go leave a like on that video because she did such a great job on singing.)

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