Therapy Session

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I walked in my therapist's office, scared again, anxiety building up again. It's okay, Ms. Carr's really nice, I reassured myself. Calm down and tell her how you're feeling. You've been through this before.

"Hey, Ms. Carr." I said.

"Hi, Rachael," Ms. Carr greeted back. "Nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too."

"You called yesterday about your anxiety and depression. Is there anything that you've done to relieve those illnesses?"

"Hanging out with Dad and Steven, my brother, and my boyfriend, Robert, taking a walk, but it still seems like I'm depressed about my mother dying last year. Why won't this pain go away already?"

"Well," Ms. Carr said, scribbling down notes. "The death of a parent is very hard on a sixteen-year-old. It's tough at any age. Have you tried exercise classes?"

"No," I mumbled, embarrassed. "I haven't."

"Take one and see how you like it. Cardio is very important and is well known to boost your mood along with the walks you've been taking. How often you walk?"

"Twice a week."

"Walk at least three times a week and an exercise class. Eat fruits and vegetables and don't be embarrassed about your feelings. It's completely normal--no matter how long ago the death occurred."



"I'll try those exercise classes and walking more."

"Good for you. Don't forget--you're welcome to come back at any time."

I stared at wall. A huge picture of Mahatma Gandhi with one of his quotes stared at me.

 A huge picture of Mahatma Gandhi with one of his quotes stared at me

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That is so true, I thought. The future does depend on what you do today.

Ms. Carr got me glancing at the picture.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, very much. It's very inspiring."

"I like to decorate my office with positive quotes from famous people. It keeps not only my clients motivated, but myself as well."

"That's a good idea. Maybe I should start doing that."

I bade goodbye and then left.

Robert texted me.

Robert: Hey, how was ur appt.?

Rachael: Really good. I'm glad I went. My therapist even had an inspiring quote from Gandhi-"The future depends on what u do 2day." & a bunch of other quotes like that. I plan on decorating my room like that--positive quotes & Bible verses in room & especially when I go away to Surrexerunt regiis universitates next year. Maybe we can visit each other during breaks since u'll be at JMU. How about it?

Robert: I'm glad u went 2 therapy, baby. I'm glad u're doing better & that u saw the quote from Gandhi. It's a truly inspiring quote. That's a good idea--putting up ur wall & at SRU. I'd love that, sweetheart. G2g, tho, class starts in 5 min. :( Talk 2night?

Rachael: I'm glad that u're happy. Of course. Good luck in class. Goodbye, baby.

I turned my phone off and went to work on some math homework.


A/N-25th chapter complete! I'm glad that Rachael's doing better--positively rules! I'm trying to stay positive--really rough week this past week & school starting on Wednesday. So anxious for that. Anyway, good luck in your classes if you're going to university & I'll try to post a chapter weekly--but uni's very hard, so that might not happen, but you never know. :) I'll write when I can, don't worry. 

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