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Disclaimer I do not own Naruto and all right go to the people behind it and the creator of the series. 

I hope you enjoy this, their has not been set a limit to how many chapters and I'm doing this on the flow so we will see as it progresses. 

Following the events of Naruto vs Sasuke at the valley of end with the blonde carrying his friend back to the village.

       Y-you really put up a fight, jeez your heavy the blonde said exhausted. Both were hurt but the blonde had more serious injuries of the two. He neither noticed nor cared at the moment as he was deep in thought about his fulfilled promise. "I kept my word to bring him back, and I'm sure Sakura will be ecstatic." It took around 30 minutes for him to wobble his way to the front gates and getting closer he instantly saw familiar figures waiting eagerly for him. Hey granny, hey Sakura I did it he said smugly before passing out. Quick take both of them to the hospital Tsunade said voice full of worry for he grandson.

Authors note: I know Tsunade and Naruto are cousins but she thinks of him as her grandchild really.

At the hospital:

Mmhm...where am I the blonde asked? Naruto you awake!! Don't worry you're at the hospital after you brought back Sasuke, said Tsunade. I actually did it then ha, so how are Sasuke and Sakura said the blonde in concern. Well Sasuke is fine just a bunch of visible bruises but nothing that wont heal after a few days. As for Sakura she is currently waiting for him to wake, shes been by his side the whole time. You on the other hand had more serious injuries. Though with the kyubis help you are in no danger and can be released today. So just rest up for now you undoubtedly deserve it she said gently walking out to naturally give him much needed sleep. For the next few hours his friends would swing by and congratulate him on bringing back Sasuke to the village and how happy they were for them. He was released later that day and rested up at his apartment till a anbu came to properly informed him he was summoned to the hokages office.

Entering the office in his normal fashion without knocking. "What's up granny why did you call me?" She sat in silence before speaking while trying valiantly to fight back tears. "N-Naruto while you were in the hospital I was called by the council and they raised their concerns and reached a descion." He nodded for her to go on seeing how hard it was for he to continue talking. "They were angry about the rough treatment you gave Sasuke and unanimously decided it would be the best for everyone if you were exiled." Looking at him, her heart almost broke at the sight of her grandchild. She saw the light in his eyes dim a bit with his usual grin and bright atmosphere gone replaced by a cold aura and a hard stare. Going around the desk hugging him tightly as she broke down in tears with apologies at how she failed him.

"Granny I know you tried your best and I'm sorry for all the trouble I put you into he said as he looked into her eyes with tears." Untying his headband and promptly handing it to her, he gave her one more tight hug as he left to get his affairs in order. Leaving for his apartment his mind was in a swirl of thoughts and a number of emotions rushed through him. He was so lost in thought he didn't notice where he was going and ran into Shikamaru. Thanks alot Naruto he said as the blonde helped him up from the ground. So Naruto what's up you seem troubled? Shikamaru can I ask you to get everyone together and tell them to meet me at my apartment? Noticing the serious look, he just nodded and dashed off to gather everyone for whatever he wanted to announce to them.

Arriving at his apartment, he stated packing all his belongings into a scroll and putting his other essentials into his pack for the journey ahead. After awhile he heard a knock at the door and quickly moved to let his friends into the room. So guys I have something to tell you. After I had brought back Sasuke, the council had a meeting with them deciding that since I hurt the last Uchia that I should be banished. Upon telling this they were genuinely shocked and pissed at the council for this foolish descion. "W-what will you do now N-Naruto asked Hinata worried about him." I'm no longer a ninja, so I'll likely travel around and see the world since I have the chance he said. We should go to the council and demand they change their opinion said Kiba with some of them nodding. Kiba that wont work as the council are stubborn and could care less what happens to me. They see this as a good chance to get rid of me Naruto said.

So theirs nothing we can do Neji said sadly. No but I wanted to thank you all for everything from being my friends to helping me up till now Naruto said. They all gave him a hug one by one and told him they will try to find a way to bring him back and soon he sent them home. After everyone left and he finished packing he took a last look at his apartment before he set out. He also made sure to head over to Ichirakus to inform them of his situation and to thank them for all the years of kindness they showed him. It was a tearful goodbye with Ayame losing a brother and the old man losing not only his best customer but also a son.

Making his way to the gate, he saw people smirking, they knew about the councils descion and were beyond happy to be rid of the demon in their eyes. Upon arriving at the gate he saw his friends and granny saying one more goodbye and hugging them. He took one last look at the village that he loved and grew up in, that had some many of the people he could call family. With that in his mind he turned around with tears in his eyes and walked at a slow pace to begin his journey to the world outside. 


Boom that's it!! I hope you like the first chapter of this and continue reading.

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