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"You are absolutely ridiculous," Wes announced when he walked into his and David's dorm.

David laughed. "What? It's prepared."

"You know very well I would never sing that in front of them."

"Yeah, I know," David admitted as Wes sat next to him. "But it'd be hilarious."

Wes chuckled. "It kind of would be, wouldn't it? Like, as hilarious as their expressions if we kissed in front of them."

"Minus the 'in front of them' part, that sounds like a good idea."

Wes rolled his eyes fondly, kissing the other boy. Soon David was pretty much pinned down, Wes on top of him.

"Hey you left your-" he cut himself off, stunned. "Bag..."

Wes flipped Thad off over his shoulder, but David broke the kiss and went to get the bag. "Thanks."

Thad cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um, so you two are...?"

David blushed, answering his question.

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you and then myself," Wes warned.

Thad laughed. "My god, it's like you're possessed. Who are you and what did you do with professional Wes?"

"Considering on what you just walked in on, you won't be seeing 'professional Wes' much more."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now