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Sectionals had never come sooner. Wes was freaking out a bit backstage, having seen his parents. What if they didn't like it? What if they didn't approve?

The New Directions had done their usual setup, doing scarily well.

"Guys, none of their songs were before '95. We've got this," Jeff was saying backstage.

"I need someone to bitchslap me back into focus," Wes mumbled, surprising them. He had loosened up a bit in practice, but he never really swore.

A couple of them laughed, the laughter quickly fading out when they realized he didn't look like he was joking.

"You're joking, right?" one of them asked cautiously.

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"Wouldn't your face be red?" Jeff asked.

Wes shook his head. "I don't get bruised from slaps anymore."


He didn't respond.

"I'd slap you," a tall boy offered.

"Nobody's going to-"

Jeff was cut off by the sound of a loud, echoing slap.

"-slap... him..."

They watched in mild horror, waiting for Wes to go off at the boy. Instead, he merely nodded. "Thank you."

He did look much more focused. Before they could say anything, it was their turn to perform.

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now