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When Wes left his dorm and went down to dinner, the dining hall fell silent upon him entering.

He tried not to laugh, taking his normal seat and eating. People started whispering.

He wasn't bothered, though, until a boy took the seat across from him. "Are they about to get kicked out of the Warblers?"

Everyone heard through the silence. Wes set down his fork. "Come again?"

"The guy who posted the video, is he going to get kicked out of the Warblers?"

Wes blinked, tilting his head to the side as if he didn't know what he was talking about. This boy wanted to bother him? Well, then he'd be embarrassed.

"Let me get this straight. I was practicing in a public location and someone wanted to share it, so you think they should be kicked off of the Warblers? I think you should think through your questions a bit more before you ask them."

Everyone in the hall heard him, though he spoke at a normal voice level. The boy went a furious red color and left. Wes shook his head, about to continue eating when someone else took the seat.

"How come you never sing in the Warblers?"

"I've never auditioned for a solo, so there's no reason for me to."

"Well, why don't you audition for a solo?"

He held back a sigh. "I am on the Warblers council. My job is to keep the order and help make decisions. If I wanted to sing, either only two council members would judge me, and they could disagree, or I would be included in voting if I got a solo."

The boy nodded. "That makes sense. But you do realize that you could be the Casanova of this school, right? Everyone finds your voice sexy."

His heart beat a bit faster, feeling all the eyes on him. "How does writing books connect to a good voice?"

"A sexy voice," he corrected. "And you know perfectly well what I mean."

His eyes focused on the tabletop. "You know something that's really uncomfortable? People hearing you sing and saying 'too bad he's straight' or 'damn,' and let's not forget the 'please marry me' comment. I'm not... I'm not like that."

He could feel himself getting dirty looks. "You mean you're not gay? Can't bring yourself to say it?"

The tone set him off. "No, I meant I'm not a slut."

He stood up, leaving the hall. Everyone had heard him, and he was too angry to care. He wished, more than anything, that he could be out and walk down the halls holding David's hand like it was nothing.

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now