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"David," Wes said abruptly, "do they still hate me?"

"What do you mean?" David asked, frowning.

"The Warblers. Do they still hate me?"

David's frown grew. "They don't exactly talk about you. Today, though, three people I haven't met before came up to me and asked where you were. They pretty much begged me to get you back on the Warblers."

"Were two of them twins?" Wes asked. David nodded. "Yeah, they came up to me today. I don't know, I can't stop thinking about what they said."

"Does that mean you're thinking about taking your place back?" David asked. He looked worried and excited at the same time.

Wes shook his head softly. "I don't... I don't know. It's just, the things they said..."

'You don't need to fix your mistakes if people forgive you for them.'

'Everyone makes mistakes.'

"Is that true?" Wes asked aloud.

"What?" David asked.

"Is it true that everyone makes mistakes?"

David nodded. "Yeah. Constantly, actually. I made a mistake when I saw the paper-cut on that kid's face, we all made a mistake distancing from you and getting mad over your words, I made a mistake trying to defend you in front of your father and putting you in danger, whoever called your house and told your father about us made a mistake, Thad made a mistake accepting your resignation, I could go on for days."

Wes was silent, baffled. "But that... That's so many."

"People always make mistakes, Wes. It's how they handle them that matters."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now