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Wes had never felt so sore. Eleven injured ribs.

Some of his ribs had been so badly broken that they did surgery and put metal plates in them.

There was concrete evidence of what his father had done, so he went to jail without a trial.

He was just lucky he didn't puncture a lung or anything else important. It could have been much worse.

His arm was bandaged, his ankle was bandaged, and his chest was bandaged. Anything else and he'd nearly be a mummy.

His burned arm was still numb, also having needed surgery. At this point he couldn't tell if it was the anesthetic or nerve damage. Probably a mix of both.

Through all the chaos in his mind, one thought rang through clearly.

I don't belong on the Warblers.

He had to quit. He couldn't face them, not after he betrayed them like that. He'd broken so many rules.

He needed to tell someone on the council, and he was pretty sure David blocked his number.


I don't belong on
the Warblers after
what I did. I'd
appreciate it if you
could tell the others
and pass on the
gavel. I clearly have
poor judgement, I'd
only be a hinderance.

He didn't have to wait long before he got a response.

Is that a resignation?


Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now