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"Okay, did that not just prove my point?" Leigh asked excitedly.

"You shouldn't have done that," Nathan said bluntly. "You should have just let me answer. Did you see the look on his face?"

"Yeah, but now we know that we're right."

Kai shook his head. "I already knew I was right, you didn't have to do that."

Leigh scowled. "Well I'm sorry that you're the smart one. I needed more proof."

"There are better ways to get proof."

"Alright, what's done is done, break it up already," Nathan interrupted. "What's next?"

"We get Wes to rejoin the Warblers," Leigh said. "Then we have him back, and everything is fine again."

"Except people still hate him," Kai pointed out.

Leigh shook his head. "It will blow over. David forgave him, so everyone else has no reason to keep a grudge."

"Where do you think his dad is now? And what about his mom?" Nathan asked.

"Good question. He's not getting more injured and David clearly knows, so I'd say his dad's in jail," Kai reasoned. "I've never heard anything about his mom, though."

"How do we talk to him? Do we just knock on his door or wait until- Hey, Wes, can we talk to you a minute?" Leigh cut himself off, seeing Wes.

Wes looked over at them. "Yeah," he said, seeming confused.

They walked over to him, Kai promptly saying, "We need you back on the Warblers. What's it going to take?"

"Guys, I can't rejoin the Warblers," he said.

"What's it going to take for us to get you back?" he repeated, as if Wes hadn't spoken.

Wes sighed. "What's it going to take? I don't know. A time machine, maybe? A way I could just fix my mistakes? A way to go back to the night of Sectionals and not go along with what my father said?"

"You don't need to fix your mistakes if people forgive you for them," Leigh pressed. "I mean, I'm sure some good came of it."

He laughed humorlessly. "That's the thing. The only person that benefited from the whole affair was me, the one person who didn't deserve it. I shouldn't need to fix my mistakes because I shouldn't have made mistakes in the first place."

"Everyone makes mistakes."

"Yes, but I can't afford the luxury of making mistakes."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now