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Wes was soon released from the hospital with specific instructions so he wouldn't worsen his injuries and physical therapy exercises to hopefully regain the feeling in his arm.

He didn't have crutches because of his ribs, instead some wrap-like thing to keep his broken ankle from moving too much.

He made his way to his new dorm; he had been given one all by himself after what happened.

He lied on his back on his bed, sighing deeply. He was such a mess.

Coming back was a bad idea.

Now he'd have to get a foster family, what with the break coming up so soon.


There had never been a more awkward Warbler meeting. There was a distinct empty chair between David and Thad, something nobody could miss.

"Okay, this is wrong," a Warbler interrupted partway through the meeting. "Where is Wes?"

David and Thad shared a look, not sure what to say.

"In a period we hope is temporary, Wes is no longer a Warbler," David answered.

There was a sudden burst of everybody talking. Thad grabbed Wes's abandoned gavel, smacking it down.

The sound made everyone immediately fall silent. Thad set the gavel back down.

A blanket of melancholy fell over the group, dulling the room. Wes should have did that. Wes should be there. It was like everything was in black and white.

"Why do you want him back after what he said?" someone asked.

David shook his head. "You only know a fraction of the story. Trust me, there's a lot more to it."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you. It's personal," David said.

"I mean, you could tell us."

The tall boy that David recognized as the one who had slapped Wes turned to the boy. "It's personal to Wes, not David, idiot. He's respecting Wes's privacy, you know, like you aren't."

"We deserve to know," the boy retorted.

"You don't deserve anything. Nobody owes you an explanation. If anyone does, it's David, and if he can respect Wes's privacy then you can too."

The room was quiet.

"Thank you," David said, nodding to the boy.

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now