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When they got offstage, the Warblers were still full to the brim with energy.

They were grinning like idiots, and having been the last ones to go, were quickly ushered back onstage.

The Warblers, the New Directions, and some other team stood on the stage.

The other team got third, vacating the stage.

"And the winner of this year's Sectionals competition is..."

The pause. The baited breath.

Wes's eyes scanning the crowd for his parents.

"The Dalton Academy Warblers!"

In what seemed like seconds, they were backstage again, this time with a trophy. None of them could believe it.

"I still can't believe that Wes managed to backflip over Nick," Jeff was saying.

Wes laughed. "Practice is key."

"I still can't believe I let him backflip over me," Nick said, laughing as well.

Someone cleared their throat, and Wes, recognizing the sound, turning around and composing himself immediately.

"Great job out there, Wesley. Truly magnificent. But tell me, who took your spot on the council?"

He shouldn't have known this was coming. Gripping his wrist behind his back a bit tighter, he looked down slightly, not daring look his father in the eyes. "Nobody took my spot on the council."

There was something about his father. He didn't hesitate to embarrass him in front of other people.

"Then how come you aren't doing your job?" His act had dropped. "How come you're out there, singing absolutely nonsensical songs? You're not a mindless rapper, or on god only knows what that man was on when he wrote that song. You're a leader, and based on the fact that those songs got past, you haven't been doing your job well. I expected more of you, to be honest."

Wes nodded numbly. "I understand. It won't happen again."

"I'm sure you'll see to it that it doesn't."

He turned to leave.

"Excuse me? Your son did and amazing job out there, and that's your reaction?"

Wes wished he could stop David, but he couldn't do anything.

His father turned back around. "Who do you think you are? Last I checked, he's my son. You're a background noise."

Wes bit his tongue. He wanted nothing more than to just lash out, but he couldn't.

"I'm his roommate and friend who can actually appreciate how well he did because I don't force people to be something they're not."

The glance his father gave him, that was Wes's cue. "What I am is a leader, David. Last I checked, it was you all doing the forcing for me to perform tonight. Why do you care so much?"

"Because I love you!"

Wes absolutely hated himself. He truly, really despised himself.

He took a step away from David, forcing his face into a disgusted expression. It was easy since he was disgusted with himself. "I'm sorry, you what?"

Shattered. Wes's heart absolutely shattered when he saw the look on David's face.

"He's your roommate?" Wes's father asked. The look on his face was genuine disgust.

"Not for much longer."

Wes absolutely hated himself.

"Not for much longer? What's that supposed to mean?" David asked.

He just wanted to shoot himself here and now. "It means I'm not comfortable sharing a room with a fag."

Wes's father looked satisfied. "I'll speak to the headmaster about this business. I'd prefer you came home for the weekend while it's sorted out."

Forget shooting himself, he deserved a slow and painful death. If he didn't do this, that's what his parents would have given him. "I'd prefer that as well."

His father nodded once and left the room. Every single Warbler looked betrayed.

"Wes, I'm gay," Jeff said slowly, as if he hadn't comprehended it.

And I'm a horrible person. "We're not roommates."

"You know, you're the last person I'd expect to use that word," David said.

Wes paled, eyes narrowing. "Don't you dare."

"You know, considering you're gay. Is this an official breakup? Does this make you my ex boyfriend now?"

I deserved that. "That's low, Thompson."

"Oh, last name terms already? You know, it's nice to find out what you really think of me. Considering you're not one to lie to your parents. Oh, wait..."

"I swear, if you tell them-"

"What? You'll hit me?"

No, they'll hit me! "Considering how long we've known each other, it's bold of you to assume I don't have any dirt on you."

"You wouldn't."

No, I really wouldn't. Because I would be dead. "Try me."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now