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Thad was in the common room was his phone buzzed. They all looked over at him and he wrinkled his nose. "Wes? The hell does he want?"


I don't belong on
the Warblers after
what I did. I'd
appreciate it if you
could tell the others
and pass on the
gavel. I clearly have
poor judgement, I'd
only be a hinderance.

Thad's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, what?"

"What'd he say?" Jeff asked.

Is that a resignation?


"He just resigned from the Warblers. Like, just quit like that." Thad was in shock. He wasn't too upset, though.

"I'm sorry, he did what?!" Nick exclaimed, pulling out his own phone. "The little shit," he mumbled.


Please, please
explain to me
why you'd quit
the Warblers

"Nick, why do you seem so upset about it? And you, Jeff?" Thad asked.

They hate me,
I'm too much of
a pushover to be
a leader, I don't
belong with them-
I could go for days

"Where even is he?" Thad mumbled, typing something.

He and Nick's texts sent at the same time.

Wes, they don't have to hate you! They don't know what was going on

Where the hell are you, anyway? You disappeared

Wes responded, text clearly typed in a burst of fury.

Look Nick, I'm not
about to fucking tell
the Warblers that
my dad fuckimg hit
me and I was too
much of a fucking
pushover to do
anything if they even
believe me they
wouldnt react well
and I dont fucking
deserve to be on the
warblers anyway
never did never will

There was only one thing, besides the errors.

Since the texts came in at the same time, he didn't respond to Nick.

First Thad's eyes widened. Then he dropped his phone.

Nick looked horrified. "He sent the response to my text to you, didn't he?"

Thad looked like he had seen a ghost and when he spoke, his voice was brittle. "His dad hit him?"

It was out now. No going back.

Nick looked down at the ground. "He's in the hospital with seven broken ribs and four cracked ones right now, as well as a broken ankle. Someone called his house and told his father he was gay."

"He..." David trailed off, unable to comprehend it.

"The only reason he said that to you, David, is because of what his father would do if he didn't," Nick said, voice soft. Tears silently streaked down his face. "It's why he's so obsessed with being perfect, so careful and professional in front of other people, making sure he had straight As and freaking out at low As or Bs. Because his father would hurt him if he didn't."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now