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"Okay, but why is he always gone? Like, you know how he had that ankle split thing and then that kid, like, broke his ribs?"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Please tell me you don't have one of the boards with all the pins and red string."

"Come on, this is serious!" Leigh said exasperatedly. "Kai, anything?"

Kai absentmindedly pulled out a notebook, writing in it and tossing it to Leigh. "Find a connection between those."

Walking the dog
Love the way you lie
Because of you

"He sang all of them? Dude, be serious." He tossed it back.

Kai rolled his eyes. "He didn't just sing them, he sang them passionately. If I may- Walking the dog; how you lost your mind, how your wrist got bruised. Love the way you lie; you push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em, it's the rage that's the culprit, it controls you both. Because of you; I never stray too far from the sidewalk, I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt. Similar now?"

He tossed the notebook back, one word scrawled under the titles. His handwriting was nearly illegible, but Leigh knew what it said.

"So when his dad showed up after the show and he did that..." Leigh started.

"He was protecting himself from what might happen later," Kai finished. "You're definitely the slow one."

Leigh tossed the notebook at him. "I'm sorry that I don't-"

"The notebook is not a damn frisbee!" Nathan exclaimed, Leigh's aim having been off and it hitting his face.

He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Looks like you paper cut him," Kai observed.

Nathan sighed, pressing a hand to where it had hit. "Where?"

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now