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"Nick, what happened? Where's Wes?"

Everyone was gathered in the dining hall, outside being too cold.

Nick rubbed his eyes, still brimming with tears after what had happened. "He's still with the headmaster."

"No way- it wasn't him, was it?" Jeff asked in a whisper.

He shook his head. "We don't know who it was or what happened. There was something else they wanted to talk about."

"His blatant homophobia?" David muttered, not looking up at them.

Nick winced. He so badly wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

"What are they talking about?" Thad asked.

"I don't know. It's between them, I left because I didn't feel like I should be there for it." He did know, but the rest was true.

However, the next morning, Wes still wasn't back.


Where are you?


For the burns?

That and I beat a
personal record of
mine. Seven
broken ribs and
four cracked ones.
And a broken ankle.

Nick's mouth dropped open, gasping.

From him?

Who else?

Why do you
care, anyway?

Because I care
about you, Wes.

I already told you
it's a waste of time.
What I did to David
was fucked up,
I can't undo it

You could explain

The whole school
hates me. I'd rather
not explain to them
that I'm a coward
who's father beats him.

You're not a coward.

If I'm not a coward,
why did I let him get
away with it? Why
did I go along with it
after the performance?

Because you were
scared, which is
perfectly reasonable
in that situation.

Scared. So, a coward.

A coward wouldn't
ever have done
anything.You did

Because I had to.

No you didn't. You
could have gotten
expelled and not
told anyone

Yeah, but then they'd
all find out when
he fucking murders
me for lighting a fire
at Dalton and getting

Nick's breath hitched. It was that bad?

You think he'd kill you?

He would have when
he found out I was gay
but he wanted me to
suffer, I'm sure

He found out you
were gay?

Someone called the
house and told him
about me and David.


I deserved it.

Wes, you don't
deserve any of this!
You deserve a much
better life than this!

I don't deserve
life at all.

He couldn't believe Wes was feeling this way and he never noticed.

All you did, what
you said to David,
it's all your father's
fault. None of it was
yours. It all comes
back to him, not you

There was a pause.

I should get some rest.

Nick looked down at his phone, worried out of his mind. He'd explain it to David, right? So they could all be friends again?

"Who're you texting?"

Nick jumped, not having realized Jeff was awake. He stayed the night in his dorm since he wasn't supposed to go in his own yet. "Nobody," he answered instinctively.

Jeff chuckled. "Okay, who aren't you texting? Someone who... Deserves a much better life than this and says-" He cut himself off, expression dropping to concern. "Nick, who are you texting?"

Nick didn't respond. Jeff gently took the phone out of his hand, scrolling through the texts. He didn't stop him.

"Oh my god..." he whispered. "He..."

"He had the lighter because he was burning himself, Jeff. Third degree burns, all over his arm." Nick was crying. "That's why I screamed. I walked in on him doing it."

Now Jeff was crying. "Why didn't he talk to us? Even before all this happened, it was still going on."

"I don't know. Fear? Embarrassment? But," Nick took a breath, "but the headmaster knows now. He's going to get help."

"I can't believe we never noticed," Jeff said through tears.

"Neither can I."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now