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Wes was on his way to his dorm, hoping David hadn't followed him, when he nearly ran into someone.

"Sorry, I-"

"Oh look, the hypocrite's back!" the boy mocked, cutting his apology off.

Wes tried to pass him, but he wouldn't let him. "Hey, where are you going? Off to go be racist now, considering you've already covered homophobic?"

"I deserve that," Wes said. "If you'd let me just pass yo-"

"You deserve a hell of a lot more than that," the boy said.

It seemed to happen in slow motion, Wes unable to do anything. His hands landed on Wes's chest, shoving him.

Except there was a crack, and something moved in Wes's chest as he stumbled backwards.

Wes yelped in pain, gingerly pressing a hand to the bone. He leaned against the wall he had fallen into.

The boy looked traumatized. "I- I- I'm sorry, I- I didn't-"

"It's okay," Wes said, taking a deep breath that caused even more pain in his chest. "It was already broken. I'm fine."

He was trying to convince himself more than the other boy. He couldn't really breathe. The other boy didn't look even mildly comforted.

He took another breath and kept walking to his dorm, leaving the stunned boy behind him.

There was a faint knock on his door almost as soon as he got there.

"Wes? You in there?"

He didn't respond, going still so he couldn't be heard. He tried to quiet his breathing.

"I have a feeling you are, so I'm going to talk anyway. You asked me if I was happy about it, and no, I'm not. Just-" a sob broke David's words. "What happened, Wes? This- I never thought this would happen. It's so... Why?"

I lost you. All of you. That's what happened. Wes didn't dare speak. He shifted uncomfortably, breath immediately hitching as a sharp pain shot through his chest.


He heard him. Wes stayed still as he could, hoping David would think he was imagining it. He couldn't, though- despite how hard he tried, his breathing was too ragged from pain. It felt like he inhaled, and exhaled half of the air he had inhaled. He knew he should probably go to a doctor, but David was right there.

"Wes? Wes, please talk to me."

He was already standing. The door was already unlocked. All he had to do was walk over to the door, twist the handle, and pull it open.

Something wouldn't let him, though. He was rooted to the spot.

"P-please." David's voice was a broken whisper. "Say something."

Say something I'm giving up on you, a voice in Wes's head spoke up. His mind wasn't blank anymore.

The lyrics floated through his head and he shut his eyes, hearing David's quiet crying and his own ragged breathing.

"I love you," he heard David say through the door.

Screw this. Screw staying silent. Screw hardly being able to breathe.

He couldn't just leave that out there.

"I l-" he took in a deep breath, "love," another breath, ignoring the sharp pain it caused, "you," his words were nearly whispers, nearly impossible to get out, "too."

He fell against the wall, attempting to steady himself on it. He definitely needed medical attention.

David seemed to know something was wrong, because he burst in the room and caught Wes just before he blacked out.

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now