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"We need to do something more popular, something newer. That's how we get the upper hand on the New Directions; I don't think whoever choses their music has listened to a radio since the 80s."

"Yeah, like what?"

"I don't know, Eminem? Anything! Hey Monday is old, and nobody knows who they are anymore. I guarantee that's part of the reason we lost."

"Eminem? None of us can rap." He paused, looking around. "Wait, can any of us rap?"

David grabbed Wes's arm and put his hand in the air. They all looked at him.

Wes pulled his arm away. "Yes, I can rap. I can also tell them myself," he added for David's benefit.

David smirked. "You can, but you wouldn't have."

"Wes, what's your favorite Eminem song?"

He couldn't believe he was actually agreeing to this. "Love the way you lie."

There were a couple raised eyebrows, and he shrugged. "It's a good song."

"But we don't have Kurt, how are we supposed to do Rihana?" Jeff asked.

There was a silence where people looked around at each other.

"I can do it."

Jeff's eyes widened. "Nick, you don't-"

"No, I can do it," Nick said.

Thad, David, and Wes shared a look. They knew he could, but they also knew he was transgender. They didn't want him to feel pressured to do it.

"You're positive?" Wes asked.

Nick nodded. "I am a reverse lightning bolt."

About half of them laughed, the other half not understanding the joke. "Alright. Wes and Nick on Love The Way You Lie," Thad said, snatching Wes's gavel and knocking it down.

"What do we do for the second song?" Jeff asked.

"We need to do something fun," someone said.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "Well, duh."

"Something fun," Thad repeated. "We could do something by Fun."

"Wes could totally do Nate Ruess," another person pointed out.

"I can't sing everything," Wes said.

"Blaine did."

"And we lost with Blaine," Wes pointed out.

"You're better than Blaine."

Wes laughed. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"Who here thinks Wes is better than Blaine?" they asked, sticking their hand up in the air.

To Wes's shock, almost every hand went up. "I- I don't-"

"You're singing both songs. Also I know it's obscure but I love Walking The Dog by Fun."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now