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Wes tried to avoid leaving his dorm except for breakfast and lunch the next day, hating the way some people would shamelessly check him out.

He couldn't have been gladder when David got back.

When they headed down to dinner, though...

They passed a boy in the hallway who noticeably checked Wes out and winked at him. He tried to keep walking, but he was stopped.

"What the hell was that?"

He turned back around, a smirk on his face. "What?" he asked innocently.

"I asked what the hell that was. Do you try to make people uncomfortable?" David was furious.

"Who says he's uncomfortable?"

He fumed. "Let me guess, you're also one of those assholes who catcall people on the street?"

"David, it's fine," Wes spoke up softly. He just wanted to avoid the attention.

"Depends, are they sexy as he is?"

Wes grabbed David's arm, not trusting him to not sock the boy in the face. "He's not worth it," he said through gritted teeth.

David scowled, turning back around and walking down the hall with him. "What was that?"

"They've all pretty much acted that way since the video went up on the website."

David made a sort of growl in the back of his throat. Wes wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was really hot. "They had better back off."

Wes smirked. "Possessive, are we?"

"Yes. You are mine, and I'm not about to lose you."

He wanted nothing more than to kiss David, but they couldn't in a public area. Anyone could see. "You're not going to lose me. I'm just ignoring it and soon they'll see it's pointless and stop."

"I'm the only one allowed to stare at you for a prolonged period of time, not them."

Unprofessional Without A Witness [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now