(22) aren't you seven years older than her?

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Bellamy's POV

I was sat inside the dropship, watching the rest of the party from a far. Parties weren't exactly my thing. The sound of footsteps broke my stare and I saw Connor stood in front of me. 

"Can I sit?" he asked. 

"Free country," I said and he chuckled, sitting down next to me. This is my chance to bring up Kennedy. 

"I saw you with Kennedy earlier," I said, sounding emotionless. "You like her?"

Connor looked from me to the party where Kennedy was in clear vision, talking to Jasper. 

"I don't know. She's cool and all, and I guess she's pretty fit but this is Earth you know. No strings attached," he smiled and I internally rolled my eyes. 

"You know something Connor? I think Kennedy is a little young for you. She's 16, a baby. You're almost 18, a man. You should go for a women, not a girl," I tried to explain, acting overly smiley and encouraging. The words sounded ridiculous leaving my mouth but hopefully he gets it. 

"I don't know man, I've seen you with her a few times and like, aren't you seven years older than her?" he asked. Fuck. I didn't answer and hoped he got the hint to drop the subject. 

"Do you have dibs or something?" he asked. I ignored him and changed the topic myself. 

"Go have fun Connor. Take the night off." With that Connor walked out of the dropship, seeming confused. That could have gone better. Clarke then came in, looking in a hurry. 

"Bellamy, I need you to get Raven and Jasper but don't tell Finn and Octavia," she said, a little out of breath. 

"What, why?" I asked. I needed to know this was important to lie to Octavia. 

"Finn and Octavia have set up a meeting with the Grounders. They told us not to bring weapons but I don't trust them. Can you guys come and be our back up?" she asked, looking desperate. 

"OK. But Kennedy is coming as well," I added, standing up. Clarke rolled her eyes. 

"Why?" she asked. "She's too young!"

"She's a year younger than you Clarke and to be honest, she is one hell of a shot, whether she is sober or not. You wanted the best gunners to keep you alive, that's what I'm doing," I argued, meaning every word. 

"Fine. We're leaving now, stay out of sight," she said and snuck off to Finn once again. 




Kennedy, Jasper, Raven and I followed the trail Clarke left for us and Clarke and Finn were just visible through the trees. Raven was watching them with angry eyes, probably well aware of the Clarke and Finn romance. It was plainly obvious. 

"We're at the bridge," Bellamy muttered. We got in positions in the trees, guns ready to shoot. Through the gaps in the trees I could clearly see the bridge where Octavia and Lincoln were stood. That's how we got this meeting. Finn and Clarke joined them and stood waiting. Horses then arrived on the bridge and the rider in the middle dismounted, walking towards Clarke. It was silent all around and the four of us concentrated on the situation in front of us. Clarke began talking to the girl. 

"Can anyone hear anything?" Jasper asked. 

"Her name is Anya. She is the Commander of the Grounders," I answered in a hushed tone. 

"What do they say about young ears?" I heard Jasper mumble to Bellamy, which earned him an elbow. 

"Guys, look. Grounders in the trees," Jasper whispered, slowly pointing the trees opposite us. 

"Do we shoot?" Raven asked, all our eyes trained on the Grounders. No one answered, however, Jasper started shooting. He then ran into sight and I followed shortly after with Bellamy and Raven. I shot at the Grounders in the trees and in the corner of my eye I saw one of the Grounders on the bridge try to shoot Octavia. My gun then switched direction and I shot him, killing him instantly. I then saw Anya about to stab Clarke and shot her. I saw her grab her leg in pain where the bullet had hit her but she wasn't dead. It seemed to work as she crawled away and Finn grabbed Clarke. Something then began pulling me back and I turned to see Bellamy. 

"Run Kennedy!" he shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. 




Clarke, Finn and Octavia arrived back in camp and Finn and Octavia looked fuming. 

"Bellamy what the hell!" Octavia screamed. "This is your fault!"

"What? Clarke asked me to come," Bellamy yelled back. 

"Clarke! You were supposed to trust me!" Finn shouted, turning to Clarke. 

"I'm sorry," she said, looking genuine. 

"You too make me sick," Raven rolled her eyes. 

Clarke then piped up. "This is Jasper's fault. He fired the first shot." 

Jasper looked offended. "What about Kennedy? She's the one who killed them all." Thanks Jasper! I was about to scream back when Clarke shut us up. 

"Guys look." She pointed to the sky where a light flew across the sky. At first I thought it was a shooting star but on further investigation, I realised it was another dropship. 

"They must be sending the first ship down early," Raven said. 

"That means my mum is on that ship," Clarke said excitedly. 

"And both my parents!" I smiled. I hadn't seen them since I was arrested. 

"And Jaha," I heard Bellamy mutter and I grabbed his hand, squeezing it comfortingly. 

"Wait. They are going too quickly and the parachute should have gone off by now," Clarke said and my eyes widened when I realised what was about to happen. We watched in horror as the ship crashed into the side of a nearby mountain and a explosion lit up the sky. Bellamy's arms wrapped around me in a warm embrace as I realised that my only family had just died. 


So, that's the end. Kennedy is slightly scary when she is shooting people. Also, Jasper is a bit of a dick considering they are roommates with Monty and he threw her under the bus. 

Question: Favourite song used in the soundtrack?

Answer: Either Radioactive or Knocking on Heaven's Door

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