(25) he might actually get laid now

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Kennedy's POV

"He made the shot."

My eyes flitted open, my vision blurry as I rubbed my eyes. I saw Bellamy next to me, who still had his head on my shoulder but I was sure he was awake too. 

"What?" I asked, seeing Murphy stood in front of us. 

"Jasper, he made the shot. He blew up the bridge," he clarified and I remembered. "He might actually get laid now," I heard him mutter.  

"Oh, God yeah. Great, so what do we do now?" I said, still out of it. 

"Where's Clarke?" Bellamy asked, manoeuvring himself so he was stood up. 

"No Bellamy you need to rest," I told him, tugging on his arm slightly. 

"No, it's OK Ken. I'm feeling better already. Octavia was right," he said. He then turned to Murphy to find out where Clarke is. 

"She's upstairs," he mumbled and Bellamy climbed the ladder quickly. At least he seemed to be better. 

"How are you feeling?" Murphy asked, squatting down. 

"Oh, um, much better," I lied but he clearly didn't believe me. 

"Really? Because you're still horrifically pale and blood is still coming from your ears," he noted, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ears to reveal the blood covered ear. I looked at the floor, slightly embarrassed. Did this mean I was weak? Everyone else had seemingly recovered except me. Maybe I was slowing everything down for everyone? 

"Look, it's not your fault, OK?" he smiled at me. This was weird. Murphy trying to comfort me. Was I in a parallel universe. It's like Jaha floating himself. 

Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia came back down the ladder, looking over at me and Murphy. Bellamy glared at him slightly but I think Murphy had got used to that by now. 

"Wait, Kennedy are you still bleeding?" Octavia asked, looking very worried. 

"Yeah, um, I-" I stuttered, not knowing what to say. 

"But everyone else has pretty much recovered?" she said, both Blakes looking to Clarke. 

"Maybe it's something to do with your immune system?" Clarke suggested, biting her lip. 

"It's got something to do with me being weak," I replied, looking angrily at the floor. 

"You're not weak Ken. It's out of your control," Bellamy said, resting a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled, his touch calming me slightly. 

"We need to get her back upstairs with Connor. She'll be easier to keep an eye on," Clarke said and Murphy and Bellamy helped me to my feet. 

"I'm fine," I argued, "let go." Murphy did as I instructed and Bellamy eventually let go, although a lot more hesitantly. I took a step, and then another but then teetered to the right, Bellamy catching me. 

"Come on," he said, helping me to the ladder and steadying me as I climbed. We got to the top of the ladder and he then picked me up and carried me to a hammock. 

"There you go my lady," he said, gently placing me down on the soft material. 

"If anyone says this is because of my age I swear to God," I muttered weakly and Bellamy chuckled. 

"I'm glad to see your sense of humour hasn't taken a hit," he smiled. 

"That doesn't go so easily Blake," I smiled back, closing my eyes as his fingers brushed through strands of my hair. I then heard him stand up and his fingers left my hair, leaving me slightly cold and wanting more. 

"I'm going to monitor her for awhile, see if anything changes," I heard Clarke speak. I was unsure of who was left in the dropship at this point. 

"If she isn't better by the morning then we have a problem," I heard a deep voice. Bellamy. 

"I'll do my best Bellamy," Clarke spoke again. 

"Come on, let's leave her to get some rest," I heard another female, Octavia. 

"Murphy, can you look after Connor?" a voice called out. 

"Sure thing," Murphy shouted back, sounding fairly close to me. Footsteps then sounded, getting quieter until they could no longer be heard. That meant it was just me, Murphy and Connor. I snuggled into the hammock, deciding it would be best to get some sleep. Not that I hadn't slept enough over the last two days but I didn't have the energy for anything else. 




I awoke suddenly to a slight scream, sounding muffled and strained. I stayed still but my eyes were slightly open. Through the small gap in my eyelids, I saw Murphy stood over Connor's head, holding a rag to his mouth. I was frozen to the spot, I physically couldn't move, even though I wanted to help Connor. I felt so helpless. I almost wanted to fall out of this hammock so I could distract Murphy and Connor might survive. Connor grew more silent and eventually his widened eyes relaxed. I shut my eyes slowly, waiting for Murphy to come and kill me next but he didn't. I heard footsteps leave the dropship, making me realise I was alone. What just happened?


So, sorry this was quite a dull chapter. It was kind of necessary to just explain a few things. There is a reason that Kennedy is still sick but you won't be finding out why for a LONG time!!!!! *insert Phoebe Buffay evil laugh*

Question: Most surprising moment

Answer: For me personally, it was Clarke and Lexa kissing for the first time. Don't kill me, I'm just not that into Clexa. 

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