(28) one way to save your baby?

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Kennedy's POV

I grabbed a piece of wood from the pile behind my foot, resting it up against the wall like we were shown. Due to the ever-growing threat of the Grounders attacking, Bellamy had made orders to secure the wall. I looked over to Sterling, who was supposed to be on guard, but had fallen asleep. All of a sudden, a gun goes off, the bullet lodging itself in the wall about half a metre away from me. Turning around, I shot Sterling an angry look but before I had a chance, Bellamy stormed over. 

"Sterling!" he boomed, causing everyone to turn. Bellamy smacked him over the head and Sterling got up. 

"Sorry Bellamy. I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day!"

"I don't care. That bullet means one less Grounder!" Bellamy bellowed, grabbing the collar of Sterling's coat. 

I felt kind of hurt that the reason Bellamy was annoyed at Sterling was not because he almost shot me and because it was a waste of a bullet but I saw his point. Octavia slowly walked towards her brother. 

"Bellamy, you're scaring people," she said tentatively. 

"You should be scared!" Bellamy said, turning to face us all. "The Grounders could attack at any minute but yet people seem content on wasting time and ammunition!" Bellamy then turned to look at me, his eyes burrowing into mine but storming off. 

I turned back to the pile of wood and placed the last 2 blocks of wood against the wall. I brushed my hands off and then headed to the dropship to go and get dinner like Bellamy promised. Inside the dropship, Bellamy and Jasper were talking battle plans, using a model of the dropship that got from somewhere. I felt Bellamy's eyes on me as I climbed the ladder and opened the hatch but I ignored him. 

Climbing through the hatch, I saw Murphy with his back facing me. 

"Hey Murphy," I said, climbing through the hatch.

"Hey Kennedy," he said, hunching over. I looked curiously at Murphy, wondering why he was acting so suspiciously but it didn't take long to discover. I saw the gun under his coat gleam against the light from the dropship. 

"Are you stealing guns?" I asked. Murphy turned around, rifle in hand. In my best attempt to disarm him, I leaped at him. Murphy, however, was much quicker than me due to my weakness from the virus and the last thing I felt was a searing pain on the back of my head and a short scream leave my lips. 




Groggily, I awoke to see Jasper gagged and his hands tied. 

"Murphy!" I shouted, remembering what had happened. "Why are you doing this?"

"Well, baby, if my plan works, you'll see," he winked. 

"MURPHY! LET THEM GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I heard Octavia bang on the dropship door. Murphy ignored her and pulled my arm, forcing me to stand up. 

"Stand over there!" he ordered, pointing by the wall. I walked slowly, not sure if he was planning to shoot me or if he thought this was funny. He then reached behind him and pulled out a seat belt from the dropship seats. I realised immediately what was about to happen. He wasn't going to shoot me. He was going to hang me. 

The radio then crackled and Bellamy's voice came over it. "Murphy! Can you hear me?"

Murphy picked up the radio and pressed the record button. "Yes. I can hear you.!

"Good, because I want you to hear this. All our food is in there. We need those to survive. Let's face it. You want to hurt me, not them. Let them go and I'll come in in exchange." 

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